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past events

18.-20.8.2003: The 3rd Helsinki-Berkeley Summer School on Telecommunications Software Architectures organized by HIIT and the University of California at Berkeley was held in Berkeley, California on August 18-20. Main organisers of the Summer School were Professor Kimmo Raatikainen and Professor Randy Katz.

26.-28.5.2003: HIIT arranged the HIIT Retreat in the Sjökulla Education Centre. The objective of the meeting was to offer an opportunity for representatives from industry to interact with HIIT senior researchers and to get a comprehensive view of HIIT's research and its future plans.

26.9.2002: The opening ceremony of the Berkeley Center for the Information Society was held at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, California, hosted by Prof. Nelson Morgan, Director of ICSI and Dr. Pekka Himanen, Director of the Center. To honour the occasion, Jukka Valtasaari, the Finnish Ambassador to the US, decorated the Chairman of the Center’s Research Board, Prof. Manuel Castells. HIIT’s The Welfare of Nations project will be one of the first research activities associated with the new Center. [picture]


17.9.2002: HIIT arranged a seminar describing its planned research portfolio for 2003, prepared for the coming national and European calls.

4.-7.6.2002: The second HIIT-UCB Summer School was held in University of California at Berkeley, with professors Kimmo Raatikainen and Randy Katz chairing the event.

23.5.2002: Prof. Hal R. Varian, Dean of the School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS) at the University of California at Berkeley, visited HIIT. A seminar covering HIIT research was arranged. [picture]

22.3.2002: Prof. George Metakides, Director, Essential Information Society Technologies and Infrastructures, Directorate-General Information Society, European Commission, visited HIIT. A seminar covering selected HIIT research activities and a presentation of Prof. Metakides was arranged.


10.12.2001: The Basic Research Unit of HIIT organised jointly with the Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science of HUT a seminar on Energy-Constrained Computation. Speakers included Heikki Mannila (HIIT/BRU), Markku Åberg (VTT), Patrik Floréen (UH) and Pekka Orponen (HUT).

2.11.2001: HIIT organised the seminar Semantic Web Kick-off at University of Helsinki, Porthania, Room P3. The seminar investigated the present state of Semantic Web research in Finland, with the aim of helping the planned research activity at HIIT to get off ground. Prof. Eero Hyvönen of the University of Helsinki chaired the seminar.

9.-11.6.2001: The first UCB-HIIT Summer School on Telecommunications Software Architectures was run in Otaniemi. Speakers included Prof. Randy Katz from University of California at Berkeley, Prof. Kimmo Raatikainen from UH and Prof. Heikki Mannila of HUT. The first part of the Summer School was run at UC Berkeley on May 29 and 30. Its speakers included Dr. Charles Perkins from Nokia Research and Prof. John Chuang from UCB/SIMS.

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