Kristiina Karvonen

Yes, it's me in the pic!

B.A. (Art History), M.A. (Cognitive Science), D. Sc. Tech. (Telecommunications Software and Interactive Digital Media), 
Post-doctoral reseacher
Coordinator for research exchange programme FuNeSoMo

Street address: Open Innovation House, Otaniementie 19-21, 02150 Espoo, Finland
Mail address: Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT,
PO Box 15600, 00076 Aalto, Finland
Mobile: +358 50 3841 624
Email: firstname.lastname(at)


Research Interests

With a background in telecommunications, cognitive science and the arts, I am interested in investigating how people use and experience the Internet. In the recent yearsI've been mainly working in the area of usable security, but I am also into anything to do with human-computer interaction, usability and user experience in general.


  • Future Networks, Society and Modeling (FuNeSoMo) 01/2011- (coordinator, researcher)

Short CV

I am a Human-Computer Interaction professional with a doctorate in Computer Science, and master's in Cognitive Science from the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki. Due to having way too many interests, I am also an art historian from the Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki. Besides research, I have previously worked in the industry as usability engineer, consultant and specialist in Nokia Networks, Tieto and the infamous Wapit.

A long time ago I worked in the arts world in Kiasma, Didrichsen, Hvitträsk, and Design museum, and as lecturer in the Art History department of University of Helsinki and at University of Art and Design Helsinki.

At HIIT, I tried my hand on leading a research group USec working on Usable security, privacy and trust  in 2009-2012, but realised soon enough it's not my thing at all to be leading people. Currently I am researcher and coordinator on the FuNeSoMo project.

member of the SIGSHOES

Publications (on a separate page)


Last updated on 29 Mar 2014 by Kristiina Karvonen - Page created on 20 Jan 2008 by Kristiina Karvonen