List of Publications

Martti Mäntylä


  1. Martti Mäntylä. An Introduction to Solid Modeling. Computer Science Press, College Park, MD, 1988.
  2. Martti Mäntylä. Introduzione alla modelizatione di solidi. Franco Agneli, Milano, 1990. [Italian translation of 1.]
  3. Jami J. Shah and Martti Mäntylä. Parametric and Feature-Based CAD/CAM: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1995.

Edited books

  1. Jami Shah, Martti Mäntylä, and Dana Nau (editors). Advances in Feature-Based Manufacturing. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1994.
  2. Tetsuo Tomiyama, Martti Mäntylä, and Susan Finger (editors). Knowledge Intensive CAD, Volume 1. Proceedings of the First IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Knowledge-Intensive CAD, IFIP Proceedings, Chapman & Hall, London, 1996.
  3. Martti Mäntylä, Susan Finger, and Tetsuo Tomiyama (editors). Knowledge Intensive CAD, Volume 2. Proceedings of the Second IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Knowledge-Intensive CAD, IFIP Proceedings, Chapman & Hall, London, 1997.
  4. Susan Finger, Tetsuo Tomiyama, and Martti Mäntylä (editors). Knowledge Intensive Computer Aided Design. Proceedings of the Third IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Knowledge-Intensive CAD, IFIP Proceedings, Kluwer, Boston, 1999.

Book chapters

  1. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. Incremental feature modeling. In Jami Shah, Martti Mäntylä, and Dana Nau, editors, Advances in Feature-Based Manufacturing, chapter 19, pages 455–479. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1994.
  2. Martti Mäntylä. Solid modeling: Theory and applications. In Paul J.W. ten Hagen, editor, Eurographics Tutorials '83, chapter X, pages 391–425. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1984.
  3. Martti Mäntylä. Directions for research in CAD. In Werner Purgathofer and Jürgen Schönhut, editors, Advances in Computer Graphics V, pages 49–74. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989. Tutorial notes for Eurographics '89.
  4. Jussi Opas and Martti Mäntylä. Techniques for automatic part program generation. In Jami Shah, Martti Mäntylä, and Dana Nau, editors, Advances in Feature-Based Manufacturing, chapter 11, pages 239–259. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1994.
  5. Jami Shah, Martti Mäntylä, and Dana Nau. Introduction to feature based manufacturing. In Jami Shah, Martti Mäntylä, and Dana Nau, editors, Advances in Feature-Based Manufacturing, chapter 1, pages 1–11. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1994.
  6. Martti Mäntylä. Knowledge-Intensive CAD: Introduction and a research agenda. In Tetsuo Tomiyama, Martti Mäntylä, and Susan Finger (editors). Proceedings of the First IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Knowledge-Intensive CAD, IFIP Proceedings, Chapman & Hall, London, 1996.
  7. Martti Mäntylä. Extracting reusable product data. In D. Roller and P. Brunet (editors), CAD Systems Development: Tools and Methods, pages 89–105, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1997. Proc. First Dagstuhl seminar on CAD Tools for Products.

Articles in Refereed Journals

  1. Jin-Kang Gui and Martti Mäntylä. Functional understanding of assembly modelling. Computer-Aided Design, 26(6):435–451, June 1994.
  2. Stefan Hertel, Martti Mäntylä, Kurt Mehlhorn, and Jurg Nievergelt. Space sweep solves the intersection of two convex polyhedra. >Acta Informatica, 21:501–519, 1984.
  3. Marja-Riitta Koivunen and Martti Mäntylä. HutWindows: An improved architecture for a user interface management system. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 8(1):43–52, January 1988.
  4. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. Feature modelling by incremental feature recognition. Computer-Aided Design, 25(8):479–492, August 1993.
  5. Martti Mäntylä. Set operations of GWB. Computer Graphics Forum, 3(2/3):122–134, 1983.
  6. Martti Mäntylä. Topological analysis of polygon meshes. Computer-Aided Design, 10(7):228–234, 1983.
  7. Martti Mäntylä. A note on the modeling space of Euler operators. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 26(1):45–60, 1984.
  8. Martti Mäntylä. Boolean set operations of 2-manifolds through vertex neighborhood classification. Transactions on Graphics, 5(1):1–29, January 1986.
  9. Martti Mäntylä. A modeling environment for top-down design of assembled products. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 34(5):636–659, September 1990.
  10. Martti Mäntylä and Reijo Sulonen. GWB–a solid modeler with Euler operators. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 2(7):17–31, 1982.
  11. Martti Mäntylä, Dana Nau, and Jami Shah. Challenges in feature-based manufacturing research. Communications of the ACM, 39(2):77–85, 1996.
  12. Jussi Opas, Jussi Kanerva, and Martti Mäntylä. Automatic process plan generation in an operative process planning system. International Journal of Production Research, 32(6):1347–1363, 1994.
  13. Jussi Opas and Martti Mäntylä. Techniques for automatic part program generation. Advances in Engineering Software, 20:141–155, 1995.
  14. Olli Pitkänen, Martti Mäntylä, Mikko Välimäki, and Jukka Kemppinen: Assessing Legal Challenges on the Mobile Internet. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 8, nr 1, 101-120, Fall 2003
  15. Mervi Ranta, Martti Mäntylä, Yasushi Umeda, and Tetsuo Tomiyama. Integration of functional and feature-based product modelling – The IMS/GNOSIS experience. Computer-Aided Design 28(5):371–381, May 1996.
  16. Markku Tamminen, Olli Karonen, and Martti Mäntylä. Ray-casting and block model conversion using a spatial index. Computer-Aided Design, 16(4):203–208, 1984.

Refereed Conference Papers

  1. Jarmo Alander, Martti Mäntylä, and Tuomo Rantanen. Solid modeling with parametric surfaces. In Proc. EUROGRAPHICS '83, pages 71–83, Amsterdam, 1983. North-Holland Publ. Co.
  2. Kari Alho, Martti Mäntylä, and Hannu Peltonen. HutBase–A design data manager. In Proc. PROLAMAT '88, Amsterdam, 1988. North-Holland Publ. Co.
  3. Kari Alho, Martti Mäntylä, and Hannu Peltonen. A visual interface to design data. In Proc. ACM SIGMOD '88, New York, 1988. ACM.
  4. Jin-Kang Gui and Martti Mäntylä. New concepts for complete product assembly modeling. In George Allen, Jaroslaw Rossignac, and Joshua Turner, editors, Proc. Second ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling Theory and Applications, pages 397–406, New York, May 1993. ACM Press.
  5. Lasse Holmström, Timo Laakko, Martti Mäntylä, and Panu Rekola. Ray tracing of boundary models with implicit blend surfaces. In Theory and Practice of Geometric Modeling, pages 253–271. Springer Verlag, 1989. Proc. Conf. in Theory and Practice of Geometric Modeling, Tübingen, Germany, October 3–7, 1988.
  6. Pekka Isto, Martti Mäntylä, and Juha Tuominen: On Addressing the Run-Cost Variance in Randomized Motion Planners. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 2003, IEEE, 2934-2939.
  7. Pekka Isto, Juha Tuominen, and Martti Mäntylä: Adaptive Strategies for Probabilistic Roadmap Construction. 2003 International Conference on Advanced Robotics. 682-687, 2003.
  8. Marja-Riitta Koivunen and Martti Mäntylä. HutWindows: An approach to user interface development. In Proc. EUROGRAPHICS '85, pages 37–47, Amsterdam, 1985. North-Holland Publ. Co.
  9. Marja-Riitta Koivunen and Martti Mäntylä. An improved architecture for a user interface management system. In T. L. Kunii, editor, Advanced Computer Graphics, Berlin, 1987. Springer Verlag. Proc. Computer Graphics International '87.
  10. Sari Kujala and Martti Mäntylä. Is User Involvement Harmful or Useful in the Early Stages of Product Development? Proc. CHI'2000 Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1-6 April. U.S.A. 2000, ACM Press, pp. 285-286.
  11. Sari Kujala and Martti Mäntylä. Studying Users for Developing Usable and Useful Products. 1st Nordic Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Stockholm, 23-25 October. 2000, STIMDI the Swedish Interdisclipinary Interest Group for Human Computer Interaction, pp. 1-11.
  12. Sari Kujala and Martti Mäntylä. How Effective Are User Studies? HCI'2000, Sunderland, UK, 6-8 September, 2000. GB 2000, Springer, pp. 61-71.
  13. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. A new form feature recognition algorithm. In Proc. CAPE '91, pages 369–376, Amsterdam, September 1991. Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.
  14. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. Feature-based modelling of families of machined parts. In Gus J. Olling and Fumihiko Kimura, editors, Human Aspects in Computer Integrated Manufacturing, pages 351–360, Amsterdam, July 1992. North-Holland. Proc. PROLAMAT '92.
  15. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. A feature definition language for bridging solids and features. In George Allen, Jaroslaw Rossignac, and Joshua Turner, editors, Proc. Second ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling Theory and Applications, pages 333–342, New York, May 1993. ACM Press.
  16. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. Introducing blending operations in feature models. Computer Graphics Forum, 12(3):165–175, September 1993. Proc. Eurographics '93.
  17. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. Incremental constraint modelling in a feature modelling system. Computer Graphics Forum 15(3):367–376, August 1996. Proc. Eurographics ‘96.
  18. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. Feature-based modeling of product families. In K. Ishii et al., editor, Proc. The 1994 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, Volume 1, pages 45–54, New York, September 1994. ASME.
  19. Timo Laakko, Risto Mäntylä, Martti Mäntylä, Jukka Nieminen, Reijo Sulonen, and Jukka Tuomi. Feature models for design and manufacture. In Bruce Shriver, editor, Proc. 23rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-23), volume 2, pages 445–454, New York, 1990. IEEE Press.
  20. Krista Lagus, Timo Laakko, and Martti Mäntylä. Application of constraint propagation in part family modelling. In Annals of CIRP, volume 43/1/1994, pages 129–132, August 1994.
  21. Krista Lagus, Timo Laakko, and Martti Mäntylä. ICONF – an incremental constraint facility in a feature modelling system. In R. Soenen and G. J. Olling (editors), Advanced CAD/CAM Systems. State-of-the-art and Future Trends in Feature Technology, pages 88–104, Chapman & Hall, 1996.
  22. Airi Lahti, Martti Mäntylä, and Mervi Ranta. Capturing and deploying design decisions. In M. Pratt, R.D. Sriram and M.J. Wozny (editors), Proc. IFIP WG 5.2 Geometric Modelling Workshop, May 1996, Airlie, Virginia. IFIP Proceedings, Chapman & Hall, London, 1997.
  23. Martti Mäntylä. An inversion algorithm for geometric models. Computer Graphics, 16(3):51–59, 1982. Proc. SIGGRAPH '82.
  24. Martti Mäntylä. Compiler-compiler as a tool for CAD systems development. In Ernie A. Warman, editor, Proc. CAPE '83, Amsterdam, 1983. North-Holland Publ. Co.
  25. Martti Mäntylä. Hardware structures for computer graphics and geometric modeling. In Proc. NICOGRAPH '83, pages 68–79, Tokyo, 1983. Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
  26. Martti Mäntylä. Undo support in HutDesign. In Proc. CAPE '86, Amsterdam, 1986. North-Holland Publ. Co.
  27. Martti Mäntylä. Directions for research in product modeling. In Fumihiko Kimura and Asbjörn Rolstadås, editors, Computer Applications in Production and Engineering CAPE '89, pages 71–85, Amsterdam, 1989. North-Holland.
  28. Martti Mäntylä. WAYT: Towards a modeling environment for assembled products. In Hiroyuki Yoshikawa and Farhad Arbab, editors, Intelligent CAD, III, pages 187–204, Amsterdam, 1991. North-Holland. Proc. IFIP WG 5.2 Third International Workshop on Intelligent CAD, Osaka, Japan, 26-29 September, 1989.
  29. Martti Mäntylä. Representation of process planning knowledge for part families. In Annals of CIRP, volume 42/1/1993, pages 561–565, August 1993.
  30. Martti Mäntylä. Towards open architecture concurrent engineering frameworks. In Michael J. Wozny and Gus Olling, editors, Towards World-Class Manufacturing, pages 135–149. North-Holland, September 1993.
  31. Martti Mäntylä and Jussi Opas. HutCAPP–A machining operations planner. In The Second International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing Research, New York, 1988. ASME Press.
  32. Martti Mäntylä, Jussi Opas, and Jukka Puhakka. A prototype system for generative process planning of prismatic parts. In A. Kusiak, editor, Modern Production Management Systems, pages 599–611, Amsterdam, 1987. North-Holland Publ. Co. Proc. AMPS '87.
  33. Martti Mäntylä, Jussi Opas, and Jukka Puhakka. Generative process planning of prismatic parts by feature relaxation. In B. Ravani, editor, Advances in Design Automation 1989, Volume One, Computer-Aided and Computational Design, pages 49–60, New York, 1989. ASME. Proc. 15th ASME Design Automation Conference.
  34. Martti Mäntylä and Mervi Ranta. Interactive solid modeling in HutDesign. In Tosiyasu L. Kunii, editor, Proc. Computer Graphics Tokyo '86, Tokyo, 1986. Springer Verlag.
  35. Martti Mäntylä, Mervi Ranta, and Holger Kress. Virtual Engineering. In J. Rossignac (editor), Proc. TeamCAD: GVU/NIST Workshop on Collaborative Design, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, May 1997.
  36. Martti Mäntylä and Tapio Takala. The Geometric Workbench (GWB)–an experimental geometric modeling system. In Proc. EUROGRAPHICS '81, pages 205–215, Amsterdam, 1981. North-Holland Publ. Co.
  37. Martti Mäntylä and Markku Tamminen. Localized set operations for solid modeling. Computer Graphics, 17(3):279–288, 1983. Proc. SIGGRAPH '83.
  38. Jukka Nieminen and Martti Mäntylä. Feature based design of joints. In F. Jansen and F.-L. Krause, editors, Proc. International Symposium on Advanced Geometric Modelling for Engineering Applications, Amsterdam, 1989. North-Holland.
  39. Jussi Opas and Martti Mäntylä. Parametric fixture layout models for operative process planning. In Michael J. Wozny and Gus Olling, editors, Towards World-Class Manufacturing, pages 357–380. North-Holland, 1993.
  40. Olli Pitkänen, Mikko Välimäki, Jukka Kemppinen, and Martti Mäntylä. Assessing Legal Challenges on the Mobile Web. First International Conference of Mobile Business, Athens, Greece, July 2002.
  41. Mervi Ranta, Masatomo Inui, Fumihiko Kimura, and Martti Mäntylä. Cut and paste based modeling with boundary features. In George Allen, Jaroslaw Rossignac, and Joshua Turner, editors, Proc. Second ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling Theory and Applications, pages 303–312, New York, May 1993. ACM Press.
  42. Mervi Ranta, Masatomo Inui, Fumihiko Kimura, and Martti Mäntylä. Cutting and pasting constrained boundary features. In Proc. CAPE '95. Chapman & Hall, May 1995.
  43. Mervi Ranta and Martti Mäntylä. Engineering Process Ontologies for Communication, Co-operation, and Co-ordination in a Virtual Enterprise. In CD-ROM Proceedings of Prolamat ’98 Conference, Trento, Italy, September 9–11, 1998, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
  44. Mervi Ranta, Martti Mäntylä, Riitta Smeds, Päivi Haho and Jukka Alvesalo. Improving product development: Towards a framework for integrating artefact and process models. In Proc. APMS 1999, Berlin, September 1999.
  45. Matti Rantanen, Antti Oulasvirta, Jan Blom, Sauli Tiitta, and Martti Mäntylä, M. InfoRadar: Group and public messaging in mobile context. A full paper accepted to NordiCHI’04, November 2004, Tampere, Finland.
  46. Markku Tamminen, Olli Karonen, and Martti Mäntylä. Block model conversion using an efficient spatial index. In Proc. Nicograph '83, pages 80–98, Tokyo, 1983. Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
  47. Matti Tikkanen, Martti Mäntylä, and Markku Tamminen. GWB/DMS: A geometric data manager. In Proc. EUROGRAPHICS '83, pages 99–111, Amsterdam, 1983. North-Holland Publ. Co.

Invited Presentations

  1. L. Cser, J. Cselényi, M. Geiger, M. Mäntylä, and A. S. Korhonen. Logistics from IMS towards Virtual Factory. Proceedings of the She-Met ‘98 Conference, Enschede, the Netherlands, 6–8 April 1998.
  2. Martti Mäntylä. Feature-based product modeling for process planning. In T. Sata, editor, Organization of Engineering Knowledge for Product Modelling in Computer Integrated Manufacturing, pages 303–320, Amsterdam, 1989. Elsevier. Proc. 2nd Toyota Conference.
  3. Martti Mäntylä. Advances in product modeling. In D. Richter and H. Grabowski, editors, Proc. Technodata '90 Symposium, pages 11–27, Berlin, December 1990. Akademie-Verlag.
  4. Martti Mäntylä. Constraint-based feature modeling. In Proc. of Features Symposium, Arlington, Texas, 1990. CAM-I, Inc.
  5. Martti Mäntylä. Utilisation of product models in production preparation. In Proc. Produktmodeller '95. SIG PM, April 1995.
  6. Martti Mäntylä. Virtual engineering. In Features verbessern die Produktentwicklung: Integration von Prozessketten, VDI-Berichte 1322, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1997. Proc. VDI workshop in Berlin, 20.–21.2.1997.
  7. Martti Mäntylä and Mervi Ranta. Life-cycle modelling: research challenges and directions. Presented at the Sixth IFIP WG 5.2 International Workshop on Geometric Modeling: Fundamentals and Applications (GEO-6), December 7–9, 1998, University of Tokyo, Japan.

Other Conference Presentations

  1. Alex G. Büchner, Mervi Ranta, John G. Hughes, and Martti Mäntylä. Semantic information mediation among multiple product ontologies. Presented at the Fifth World Conference on Intergrated Design and Process Technology, Dallas, Texas, June 4–8, 2000.
  2. Jin-Kang Gui and Martti Mäntylä. Assembly modeling on the basis of a mechanical design prototype. In Peter R. Wilson, Michael J. Wozny, and Michael J. Pratt, editors, Geometric Modelling for Product Realization, October 1993. Presented at the IFIP W.G. 5.2/RPI Fourth International Workshop on Geometric Modelling for CAD, Rensselaerville, NY, Sep. 27–Oct. 1, 1992.
  3. Marja-Riitta Koivunen and Martti Mäntylä. User interface management with HutWindows. In Pentti Uuspää, editor, Advances in Man-Machine Interactions, pages 129–146, Espoo, 1987. Technical Research Center of Finland. Proc. of Joint Finnish-Soviet Symposium on Man-Machine Interface, Control Rooms, and Expert Systems.
  4. Pekka Lampio, Mikael Fraunberg, Timo Räty, Pasi Salonen, Jukka Tuomas, and Martti Mäntylä. Naive physics simulator. Presented at the IFIP W.G. 5.2/RPI Fourth International Workshop on Geometric Modelling for CAD, Rensselaerville, NY, Sep. 27–Oct. 1, 1992, September 1992.
  5. Martti Mäntylä. Natural language in database conceptual design. In Computer Science Report A27, Problems in Design and Application of Data Base Systems, pages 32–44, Turku, 1980. University of Turku. Proc. of Finnish-Soviet Symposium.
  6. Martti Mäntylä. Product modelling for KIC: Towards a research agenda. In Knowledge Intensive CAD-1, Espoo, September 1995. Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science. Presented at the First IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop, 26–29 September 1995, Espoo, Finland.
  7. Martti Mäntylä. Knowledge-Intensive CAD: Introduction and a research agenda. In Tetsuo Tomiyama, Martti Mäntylä, and Susan Finger (editors). Proceedings of the First IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Knowledge-Intensive CAD, IFIP Proceedings, Chapman & Hall, London, 1996.
  8. Martti Mäntylä and Jussi Opas. Introducing manufacturing knowledge into an intelligent CAD system. In Preprints of the 2nd IFIP 5.2 Workshop in Intelligent CAD, September 1988.
  9. Martti Mäntylä and Mervi Ranta. Interaction Models and Business Models of a Mobile Service. Extended abstract. Proceedings of the HeCSE 2000 Winter School, Hanko, Finland, January 12–13 2000.
  10. Jukka Nieminen, Jukka Tuomi, and Martti Mäntylä. Problems in integrating a feature-based process planner with a NC programming system. Presented at the IFIP W.G. 5.2/RPI Fourth International Workshop on Geometric Modelling for CAD, Rensselaerville, NY, Sep. 27–Oct. 1, 1992.
  11. Mervi Ranta and Martti Mäntylä. Re-use of product model through life-cycle stages. 3rd WDK Workshop on Product Structuring, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, June 26-27, 1997.
  12. Mervi Ranta, Alex G. Büchner, Martti Mäntylä, and John G. Hughes. Collaboration in heterogeneous environments along product processes. Presented at the Fifth World Conference on Intergrated Design and Process Technology, Dallas, Texas, June 4–8, 2000.
  13. Mervi Ranta and Martti Mäntylä. Towards transparency of product development processes. Presented at the CIRP 2000 International Design Seminar, Haifa, Israel, May 16–18, 2000.

Technical Reports

  1. Susan Finger, Martti Mäntylä, and Tetsuo Tomiyama, (editors). Knowledge intensive CAD-2. Technical Report, Carnegie-Mallon University, Engineering Design Research Center, Pittsburgh, PA, September 1996. 374 p. Preprints of the Second IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Knowledge-Intensive CAD, 16–18 September 1996, Pittsburgh, PA.
  2. Mikael Fraunberg, Pekka Lampio, Timo Räty, Pasi Salonen, Jukka Tuomas, and Martti Mäntylä. Naive physics simulato–r reference manual. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C70, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, October 1994. 90 p.
  3. Jin-Kang Gui and Martti Mäntylä. A mechanical design prototype-based reasoner: Concepts and implementation. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B72, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, December 1991. 46 p.
  4. Jin-Kang Gui and Martti Mäntylä. Assembly modeling on the basis of a mechanical design prototype. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B90, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, January 1993. 20 p.
  5. Stefan Hertel, Kurt Mehlhorn, Martti Mäntylä, and Jurg Nievergelt. Space sweep solves intersection of two convex polyhedra elegantly. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B55, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1983. 17 p.
  6. Lauri Heiskanen and Martti Mäntylä. Teollisuuden Internet-sovellutukset. Tuotannon tietotekniikan erityiskysymyksiä II, kevät 1999. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C90, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, 1999. 180 p.
  7. Lasse Holmström, Timo Laakko, Martti Mäntylä, and Mervi Ranta. HutDesign version 1.0 maintenance manual. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C21, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, 1988.
  8. Lasse Holmström, Timo Laakko, Martti Mäntylä, and Mervi Ranta. HutDesign version 1.0 user's manual. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C20, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, 1988.
  9. Lasse Holmström, Timo Laakko, Martti Mäntylä, Mervi Ranta, and Panu Rekola. Geometric WorkBench version 1.0 programmer's guide. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C29, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, 1988.
  10. Pekka Isto and Martti Mäntylä. On Addressing the Run-Cost Variance in Randomized Motion Planners. Helsinki: Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, 2002. 13 p. (HIIT Technical Report 2002-2).
  11. Marja-Riitta Koivunen, Martti Mäntylä, and Hannu Peltonen. HutWindows version 0.3 user's guide. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C16, Helsinki University of Technology, 1986.
  12. Marja-Riitta Koivunen, Martti Mäntylä, and Reijo Sulonen. HDL: A user interface specification language. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B65, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, December 1991. Presented at the Eurographics Workshop on Higher Level Tools for Window Managers. 21 p.
  13. Timo Laakko, Airi Lahti, and Martti Mäntylä. Integration of constraint propagation and variational geometry in a feature-based modelling system. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B120, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, April 1995. 18 p.
  14. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. Feature-based modelling of families of machined parts. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B71, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, December 1991. 17 p.
  15. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. A feature definition language for bridging solids and features. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B79, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, November 1992. 19 p.
  16. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. Feature modelling by incremental feature recognition. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B85, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, December 1992. 23 p.
  17. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. EXTDesign version 1.0 reference manual. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C63, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, September 1993. 144 p.
  18. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. Introducing blending operations in feature models. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B89, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, January 1993. 17 p.
  19. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. A Lisp interface to geometric modelling operations. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C62, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, June 1993. 47 p.
  20. Timo Laakko, Martti Mäntylä, and Jussi Opas. User-defined features in ExtDesign++. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B129, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, December 1995. 23 p.
  21. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. Incremental constraint modelling in a feature modelling system. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B130, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, January 1996. 12 p.
  22. Krista Lagus, Timo Laakko, and Martti Mäntylä. ICONF – an incremental constraint facility in a feature modelling system. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B114, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, March 1994. 15 p.
  23. Pekka Lampio, Mikael Fraunberg, Timo Räty, Pasi Salonen, Jukka Tuomas, and Martti Mäntylä. Naive physics simulator. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B93, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, February 1993. 12 p.
  24. Martti Mäntylä. Geometric modeling of solid objects. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-A22, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1981. 111 p.
  25. Martti Mäntylä. The Geometric Workbench command language. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B31, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1981. 23 p.
  26. Martti Mäntylä. Methodological background of the Geometric Workbench. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B30, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1981. 70 p.
  27. Martti Mäntylä. Set operation algorithm of GWB. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B48, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1982. 28 p.
  28. Martti Mäntylä. Tietokannan suunnittelusta. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C2, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1982. 81 p.
  29. Martti Mäntylä. Topological analysis of polygon meshes. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B47, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1982. 23 p.
  30. Martti Mäntylä. GWB version 0.6 system manual. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C6, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1983. 67 p.
  31. Martti Mäntylä. HUTGRAF versio 0.6. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C5, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1983. 41 p.
  32. Martti Mäntylä. An introduction to solid modeling. Part One: Fundamentals. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C10, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1984.
  33. Martti Mäntylä. An introduction to solid modeling. Part Two: Boundary models re-examined. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C11, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1984.
  34. Martti Mäntylä. An introduction to solid modeling. Part Three: Advanced topics. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C12, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1985.
  35. Martti Mäntylä. HutGraf version 1.0 user's manual. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C13, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1985.
  36. Martti Mäntylä. A modeling environment for top-down design of assembled products. Research Report RC 15250, IBM Research Division, T. J. Watson Research Center, December 1989.
  37. Martti Mäntylä. DeltaBlue – The implementation of a constraint satisfaction algorithm. Research Report RC 15395, IBM Research Division, T. J. Watson Research Center, January 1990.
  38. Martti Mäntylä. The Design Browser – A hierarchical part-of graph browser. Research Report RC 15393, IBM Research Division, T. J. Watson Research Center, January 1990.
  39. Martti Mäntylä. The Geometry Browser – A feature modeler in Smalltalk. Research Report RC 15394, IBM Research Division, T. J. Watson Research Center, January 1990.
  40. Martti Mäntylä. Representation of process planning knowledge for part families. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B91, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, January 1993. 16 p.
  41. Martti Mäntylä. Towards open architecture concurrent engineering frameworks. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B96, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, March 1993. 20 p.
  42. Martti Mäntylä, Dana Nau, and Jami Shah. Challenges in feature-based manufacturing research. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B124, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, June 1995. 20 p.
  43. Jukka Nieminen, Jukka Tuomi, and Martti Mäntylä. Problems in integrating a feature-based process planner with a NC programming system. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B92, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, January 1993. 14 p.
  44. Jussi Opas, Jussi Kanerva, and Martti Mäntylä. Automatic process plan generation in an operative process planning system. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B81, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, December 1992. 29 p.
  45. Jussi Opas and Martti Mäntylä. Automatic part program generation. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B101, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, April 1993. 22 p.
  46. Jussi Opas and Martti Mäntylä. Parametric fixture layout models for operative process planning. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B102, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, April 1993. 22 p.
  47. Olli Pitkänen, Martti Mäntylä, Mikko Välimäki, and Jukka Kemppinen. Assessing Legal Challenges on the Mobile Internet. Helsinki : Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, 2002. (HIIT Technical Report 2002-4).
  48. Mervi Ranta, Masatomo Inui, Fumihiko Kimura, and Martti Mäntylä. Cut and paste based modeling with boundary features. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B80, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, November 1992. 19 p.
  49. Mervi Ranta, Masatomo Inui, Fumihiko Kimura, and Martti Mäntylä. Cutting and pasting constrained boundary features. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B119, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, January 1995. 15 p.
  50. Katri Sarkio and Martti Mäntylä, Is Your Neighbor a Traitor? Distributed Reputation Management in Member-Initiated Virtual Communities. HIIT Technical Report 2006-1, March 2006.
  51. Markku Tamminen, Olli Karonen, and Martti Mäntylä. Block model conversion using an efficient spatial index. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-B57, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, 1983. 19 p.
  52. Tetsuo Tomiyama, Martti Mäntylä, and Susan Finger (editors). Knowledge intensive CAD-1. Technical Report HTKK-TKO-C75, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Espoo, September 1995. 463 p. Reprints of the First IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Knowledge-Intensive CAD, 26–29 September 1995, Espoo, Finland.

Other Publications

  1. Peter Bertok, Martti Mäntylä, Jim McGovern, and George Fernandez. Working group report on Information Infrastructure for Virtual and Distributed Enterprises, Proc. Wet-ICE ‘97, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997, pp. 62–66.
  2. Eero Eloranta, Martti Mäntylä, Jussi Opas, and Mervi Ranta. HutCAPP – A process planning system based on the integration of knowledge engineering, feature modeling and geometric modeling. In Minutes of Geometric Modelling Program European Regional Meeting. CAM-I, Inc., Arlington, Texas, December 1987.
  3. Jin-Kang Gui and Martti Mäntylä. Delta report and handbook. IMS Test Case GNOSIS Technical Report No. GNOSIS/simson-hut/TW1/R/D/30Sep93/A, Product Modelling and Realization Group, Institute of Industrial Automation, Helsinki University of Technology, October 1993.
  4. Susan Finger, Tetsuo Tomiyama, and Martti Mäntylä (editors). Preprints of The Third IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Knowledge-Intensive CAD, University of Tokyo, 1998.
  5. Anu Kankainen, Antti Oulasvirta, Matti Rantanen, Sauli Tiitta, Tomi Kankainen, ja Martti Mäntylä. Arkipäivän läsnä-älyä. Prosessori-lehden tutkimusnumero, 2003.
  6. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. Geometric modelling handbook, version 1.0. Project MCOES, Deliverable No. MCOES-WP4-D1, Commission of the European Communities, Brite/Euram Programme, February 1991.
  7. Timo Laakko and Martti Mäntylä. Geometric modelling handbook, version 1.1. Project MCOES, Deliverable No. MCOES-WP4-D1-B, Commission of the European Communities, Brite/Euram Programme, July 1992. 50 p.
  8. Martti Mäntylä. Computational Topology: A Study on Topological Manipulations and Interrogations in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, volume 37 of Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Mathematics and Computer Science Series. Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences, Helsinki, 1983.
  9. Martti Mäntylä. Euler operators. In Notes for SIGGRAPH '84 Course on "Advanced Topics in Solid Modeling". ACM/SIGGRAPH, 1984.
  10. Martti Mäntylä. Solid modelling: State of the art and the next steps. In Course Notes for MICAD '87, Paris, 1987. MICADO.
  11. Martti Mäntylä. Expert systems in manufacturing. Satellite lecture held on November 26, 1988 in the PACE program, 1988.
  12. Martti Mäntylä. Phase 1 workplan. Project MCOES, Commission of the European Communities, Brite/Euram Programme, March 1990.
  13. Martti Mäntylä (ed.). Investigation of manufacturing environment. Project MCOES, Deliverable No. MCOES-WP1-D1, Commission of the European Communities, Brite/Euram Programme, March 1990.
  14. Martti Mäntylä. Phase 2 workplan. Project MCOES, Commission of the European Communities, Brite/Euram Programme, May 1992.
  15. Martti Mäntylä. Process plan model representation – further notes. Project MCOES, Deliverable No. MCOES-WP6-D1 Part C, Commission of the European Communities, Brite/Euram Programme, September 1992.
  16. Martti Mäntylä. Revised technical annex. Project MCOES, Commission of the European Communities, Brite/Euram Programme, December 1992.
  17. Martti Mäntylä. Specification of method planning – further notes. Project MCOES, Deliverable No. MCOES-WP7-D6 Part B, Commission of the European Communities, Brite/Euram Programme, September 1992.
  18. Martti Mäntylä. Advanced topics of product modelling. Tutorial Notes for MICAD '93 Conference, Paris, February 1993.
  19. Martti Mäntylä. The MCOES process planning system. Project MCOES, Commission of the European Communities, Brite/Euram Programme, June 1993.
  20. Martti Mäntylä and Joachim Rix. Virtual Engineering. Computer Graphik Topics 3/97, Vol. 9, pages 19–20.
  21. Jukka Puhakka and Martti Mäntylä. Process plan model representation. Project MCOES, Deliverable No. MCOES-WP6-D1 Part B, Commission of the European Communities, Brite/Euram Programme, September 1991.
  22. Mervi Ranta and Martti Mäntylä. Main Joint Demonstration of GNOSIS technical work package 1. IMS Test Case GNOSIS Technical Report No. GNOSIS/simson-hut/TW1/D/D/30Oct93/C, Product Modelling and Realization Group, Institute of Industrial Automation, Helsinki University of Technology, October 1993.


  1. Martti Mäntylä and Hans Andersin. Enterprise Systems Integration. Lecture notes, 1995–1999, 320 pp.