
Emokeitai is funded by Tekes Ubicom program.

Keywords: Mobile, Social, Biosignal, Playful, Valuable

Project statement:

First we will develop 4-6 research prototypes and then we will do thorough experimentations with them. These experiments will expand our understanding on the emerging domain of biosignal adaptive social applications.

Research goals:

Understand biofeedback mechanisms in adaptive social applications

Explore the biosignal synchrony

Create design guidelines for biosignal adaptive playful social applications

Project duration: 2 years - 6/2009-5/2011

Research partners:

HIIT DCC research group

HIIT UIX research group

Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR)

Company partners:

Nokia, Tieto, Polar, Ball-IT

Project researchers:

  • Prof. Marko Turpeinen (responsible leader)
  • Dr. Antti Oulasvirta (leader of Uix group)
  • Dr. Niklas Ravaja (leader of CKIR group)
  • Kai Kuikkaniemi (project manager)
  • Tetsuo Yamabe (visiting researcher from Waseda University)
  • Dr. Guillaume Chanel (CKIR)
  • Inger Ekman (CKIR)
  • Simo Järvelä (CKIR)
  • Petri Saarikko (HIIT)
  • Ilkka Kosunen (HIIT)
  • Toni Laitinen (HIIT)
  • Petri Lievonen (HIIT)
  • Pauli Ojala (HIIT)


Kai Kuikkaniemi


+358 50 543 9283

Last updated on 3 Dec 2009 by Kai Kuikkaniemi - Page created on 9 Nov 2009 by Kai Kuikkaniemi