Matti Nelimarkka

Matti Nelimarkka

Researcher in Digital content communities and Ubiquitous Interaction, Network Society @ HIIT

Affiliate member of Agile Education Research Group, University of Helsinki

Master of Social Sciences, Bachelor of Science, PhD student (computer science)

Visiting address:
Otaniemi: Open Innovation House A201 or the blue sofas (Otaniementie 19-21)
Kumpula: Excactum C210 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b,)
Always agree your visits before, as I won't promise to be on campus.

Phone number: +358 (0)50 527 59 20

Post address
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT
PO Box 19215
00076 Aalto, Finland

Personal web site | Blog

Current research themes
    Relevant publications

    For full list, see my personal site

    Co-located computing

    Matti Nelimarkka, Kai Kuikkaniemi, and Giulio Jacucci. A Field Trial of an Anonymous Backchannel Among Primary School Pupils. ACM Conference on Supporting Groupwork 2014

    Civic Technologies

    Matti Nelimarkka: Viranomaiset ja sähköinen kansalaisosallistuminen – asiantuntijahaastatteluiden perusteella luotu aktantiaalinen malli. Hallinnon Tutkimus 2:2011

    Matti Nelimarkka, Salla-Maria Laaksonen, Irina Khaldarova and Janne Matikainen: Analysis of MPs and social media during the 2011 elections in Finland. Viestinnän tutkimuksen päivät 2012 Jyväskylä – FINCOM2012

    Learning and education

    Matti Nelimarkka and Arto Vihavainen: Alumni & Tenured Participants in MOOCs: Analysis of Two Years of MOOC Discussion Channel Activity. 2015 ACM Learning at Scale. See the video.

    Interactive systems

    Kai Kuikkaniemi, Vilma Lehtinen, Matti Nelimarkka, Max Vilkki, Jouni Ojala, and Giulio Jacucci: Designing for Presenters at Public Walk-up-and-Use Displays. 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction - TEI ’14

    Kai Kuikkaniemi, Max Vilkki, Jouni Ojala, Matti Nelimarkka, and Giulio Jacucci. Introducing Kupla UI : A Generic Interactive Wall User Interface Based on Spherical Widgets. 2013 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces

    Social networks

    Juuso Karikoski & Matti Nelimarkka: Measuring social relations: Case OtaSizzle. IEEE Social Computing 2010

    Matti Nelimarkka & Juuso Karikoski: Categorizing and Measuring Social Ties. RC 33 conference on Methods and Logic in Social Science 2012

    • Lecturer: Computational Social Science study program, University of Helsinki
    • TA: Human-Computer Interaction, Interface Technologies and Interactive Systems, University of Helsinki
    • Sonja Palomäki: Yhteisöalveluiden käytön positiiviset vaikutukset murrosikäsen persoonallisuuden kehityksessä, ja mediatutkimusta hallitseva riskiajattelu. Bachelor of Science (Tech.), 2012

    Last updated on 21 Jan 2016 by Matti Nelimarkka - Page created on 26 Jul 2010 by Matti Nelimarkka