Mikael Johnson, Researcher

Mikael portrait

Mikael's research theme is the dialogue between developers and users in large digital communities. In his PhD-work-in-progress and case study on Habbo Hotel, he follows the life-cycle of design visions: how they materialise into features in the hotel, how the users take them into use in their own ways, and how the original design vision is changed through social learning. Mikael has worked in different research projects on user-centred product development since 2000, graduated as a Usability Engineer in 2002 from SoberIT/Usability, and gravitated towards the HIIT research group Digital Content Communities during the Mobile Content Communities project 2003-6.


Contact Information
Mikael Johnson
M.Sc. (Tech), Researcher, Doctoral Student

Communication media
Email:   mikael.johnson(a)hiit.fi
    Tel:   +358 50 376 1074
   Fax:   +358 9 694 9768
Mailing address
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
PO. Box 9800
FI-02015 TKK, Finland
Street address
2nd floor, Spektri/Pilotti
Metsänneidonkuja 4
Helsinki, Finland


Last updated on 11 May 2011 by Mikael Johnson - Page created on 6 Feb 2007 by Mikael Johnson