publications, antti oulasvirta

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articles in journals, peer-reviewed

Oulasvirta, A. (accepted). Fielding usability evaluation. IEEE Persuasive Computing.

Salovaara, A., Helfenstein, S., & Oulasvirta, A. (in press). Everyday appropriations of information technology: A study of creative uses of digital cameras. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. pdf

Oulasvirta, A., Rattenbury, T., Ma, L., & Raita, E. (in press). Habits make smartphone use pervasive. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. pdf

Morrison, A., Mulloni, A., Lemmela, S., Oulasvirta, A., Jacucci, G., Peltonen, P., Schmalstieg, D., & Regenbrecht, H. (in press). Collaborative use of mobile augmented reality with paper maps. Computers & Graphics. pdf

Raita, E., &  Oulasvirta, A. (in press). Too good to be bad: Favorable product expectations boost subjective usability ratings. Interacting with Computers. doi pdf

Wahlström, M., & Salovaara, A., Salo, L., & Oulasvirta, A. (2011). Resolving safety-critical incidents in a rally control center. Human-Computer Interaction, 26 (1&2), 9-37. pdf

Cui, Y., Oulasvirta, A., & Ma, L. (2011). Event perception in mobile interaction: Toward better navigation history design on mobile devices. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. pdf

Oulasvirta, A., Wahlström, M., & Ericsson, K.A. (2011). What does it mean to be good at using a mobile device? An investigation of three levels of intermediate experience and skill. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. pdf doi coding manual

Froehlich, P., Oulasvirta, A., Baldauf, M., & Nurminen, A. (2011). On the move, wirelessly connected to the world. Communications of the ACM, 54 (1), 132-138. doi pdf

Saariluoma, P., & Oulasvirta, A. (2010). User psychology: Re-assessing the boundaries of a discipline. Psychology, 1 (5), 317-328. pdf

Oulasvirta, A., Lehtonen, E., Kurvinen, E., & Raento, M. (2010). Making the ordinary visible in microblogs. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. pdf coding manual

Oulasvirta, A., & Nyyssönen, T. (2009). Flexible hardware configurations for studying mobile usability. Journal of Usability Studies, 4 (2), 93-105. pdf

Raento, M., Oulasvirta, A., & Eagle, N. (2009). Smartphones: An emerging tool for social scientists. Sociological Methods and Research, 37 (2), 426-454. pdf

Oulasvirta, A., Estlander, S., & Nurminen, A. (2009). Embodied interaction with a 3D versus 2D mobile map. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 13 (4).  doi pdf

Raento, M., & Oulasvirta, A. (2008). Designing for privacy and self-presentation in social awareness. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 12 (7), 527-542. pdf

Oulasvirta, A., & Blom, J. (2008). Motivations in personalisation behavior. Interacting with Computers, 20 (1), 1-16. pdf doi

Miettinen, M., & Oulasvirta, A. (2007). Predicting time-sharing in mobile interaction. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI), 17 (5), 475-510. springerlink pdf

Oulasvirta, A., Petit, R., Raento, M., & Tiitta, S. (2007). Interpreting and acting on mobile awareness cues. Human-Computer Interaction, 22 (1&2), 97-135. doi pdf

Jacucci, G., Oulasvirta, A., & Salovaara, A. (2007). Active construction of experience through multimedia: a field study with implications for recording and sharing. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 11 (4). pdf

Oulasvirta, A., & Saariluoma, P. (2006). Surviving task interruptions: Investigating the implications of long-term working memory theory. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64 (10), 941-961. pdf

Oulasvirta, A. (2005). Grounding the innovation of future technologies. Human Technology, 1 (1), 58-75. link

Raento, M., Oulasvirta., A., Petit, R., & Toivonen, H. (2005). ContextPhone: A prototyping platform for context-aware mobile applications. IEEE Pervasive Computing Special Issue on Smartphone, 4 (2), 51-59. pdf

Oulasvirta, A., Kärkkäinen, L., & Laarni, J. (2005). Expectations and memory in link search. Computers in Human Behavior, 21 (5), 773-789. pdf

Oulasvirta, A. (2004). Task-processing demands and memory in web interaction: A levels-of-processing approach. Interacting with Computers, 16 (2), 217-241. pdf

Tamminen, S., Oulasvirta, A., Toiskallio, K., & Kankainen, A. (2004). Understanding mobile contexts. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8 (2), 135-143. pdf

Oulasvirta, A, & Saariluoma, P. (2004). Long-term working memory and interrupting messages in human-computer interaction. Behavior & Information Technology, 23 (1), 53-64. pdf

Oulasvirta, A., Kurvinen, E., & Kankainen, T. (2003). Understanding contexts by being there: Case studies in Bodystorming. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 7 (5), 125-134. pdf

chapters in books, peer-reviewed

Jacucci, G., Peltonen, P., Morrison, A., Salovaara, A.,Kurvinen, E., & Oulasvirta, A. (2010). Ubiquitous media for collocated interaction. In Willis, K. (Ed.), Shared Encounters. Springer Series on CSCW. pdf book

Oulasvirta, A. (2009). Field experiments in HCI: Promises and challenges. In P. Saariluoma, H. Isomaki (Eds.), Future Interaction Design II. Springer. pdf book

Oulasvirta, A. (2009). Social inference through technology. In P. Markopoulos, B. de Ruyter & W. MacKay (Eds.), Awareness Systems: Advances in Theory, Methodology and Design, Springer, Human-Computer Interaction Series. pdf

Nurminen,A., & Oulasvirta, A. (2008). Designing interactions for navigation in 3D mobile maps. In L. Meng, A. Zipf, S. Winter (Eds.), Map-based Mobile Services: Design, Interaction and Usability, Springer, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, London, pp. 198-224. toc pdf

Oulasvirta, A., & Salovaara, A. (2005). Ubiquitous computing and the concept of context. In C. Ghaoui (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, Idea Group Publishing.


Oulasvirta, A. & Brewster, S. (2008). Editorial for the Special Issue on Mobility and Mobile Use. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 66 (12), 833-837. doi

full papers in conferences, peer-reviewed

Oulasvirta, & Bergstrom-Lehtovirta (2011). Ease of juggling: Studying the effects of manual multitasking. Proceedings of CHI 2010, ACM Press, New York. CHI Best Paper Awardpdf

Raita, E., & Oulasvirta, A. (2010). Too good to be bad: Effects of favorable expectations on usability perceptions. Proc. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 2010. pdf

Oulasvirta, A., & Bergstrom-Lehtovirta, J. (2010). A simple index for multimodal flexibility. Proceedings of CHI 2010, ACM Press, New York. pdf

Vihavainen, S., Oulasvirta, A., & Sarvas, R. (2009). "I can't lie anymore!": The implications of location automation for mobile social applications. Proceedings of MobiQuitous, IEEE Press. pdf

Oulasvirta, A., Hukkinen, J.,& Schwartz, B. (2009). When more is less: The paradox of choice in search engine use. Proceedings of SIGIR, ACM Press, New York. pdf

Lampinen, A., Tamminen, S., & Oulasvirta, A. (2009). "All my people right here, right now": Management of group co-presence on a social networking site. Proceedings of GROUP2009, ACM Press, New York. pdf

Morrison, A., Oulasvirta, A., Peltonen, P., Lemmelä, S., Jacucci, G., Reitmayr, G., Näsänen, J., & Juustila, A. (2009). Like bees around the hive: A comparative study of a mobile augmented reality map. Proceedings of CHI2009, ACM Press, New York. CHI Best Paper Honorable Mention. pdf

Näsänen, J., Oulasvirta, A., & Lehmuskallio, A. (2009). Mobile media in the social fabric of a kindergarten. Proceedings of CHI2009, ACM Press, New York. pdf

Oulasvirta, A., & Ericsson, K.A. (2009). Effects of repetitive practice on interruption costs: An empirical review and theoretical implications. Proceedings of ECCE2009, ACM Press, New York.

Oulasvirta, A. (2008). Designing mobile awareness cues. Proceedings of Mobile HCI 2008, ACM Press, New York, pp. 43-52. pdf

Peltonen, P. et al. (2008). "It's mine, don't touch!" Interactions at a large multi-touch display in a city centre. Proceedings of CHI 2008, ACM Press, New York, pp. 1285-1294. CHI Best Paper Honorable Mention. pdf

Rohs, M., & Oulasvirta, A. (2008). Target acquisition with camera phones when used as magic lenses. Proceedings of CHI 2008, ACM Press, New York, pp. 1409-1418. pdf

Möller, S., Engelbrecht, K-P., & Oulasvirta, A. (2007). Analysis of communication failures for spoken dialogue systems. To appear in the Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2007, International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).

Oulasvirta, A., Engelbrecht, K-P., Jameson, A., & Möller, S. (2007). Communication failures in the speech-based control of smart home systems. Proceedings of Intelligent Environments 2007, Ulm, Germany. IEEE Xplore pdf

Oulasvirta, A. & Sumari, L. (2007). Mobile kits and laptop trays: Managing multiple devices in mobile information work. Proceedings of CHI 2007, ACM Press, New York, pp. 1127-1136. pdf

Jacucci, G., Oulasvirta, A. et al. (2007). CoMedia: Mobile group media for active spectatorship. Proceedings of CHI 2007, ACM Press,  New York, pp. 1273-1282. pdf

Möller, S., Engelbrecht, K., Englert, R., Hafner, V., Jameson, A., Oulasvirta, A., Raake, A., & Reithinger, N. (2006). Memo: Towards automatic usability evaluation of spoken dialogue services by user error simulations. Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2006 - ICSLP, International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).

Salovaara, A., Jacucci, G., Oulasvirta, A., Saari, T., Kanerva, P., Kurvinen, E., & Tiitta, S. (2006). Collective creation and sense-making of mobile media. Proceedings of CHI 2006, ACM Press, New York, pp. 1211-1220. pdf

Jacucci, G., Oulasvirta, A., Salovaara, A., & Sarvas, S. (2005). Supporting the shared experience of spectators through mobile group media. Proceedings of GROUP 2005, ACM Press, New York, pp. 207-216. pdf

Oulasvirta, A., Raento, M., & Tiitta, S. (2005). ContextContacts: Re-designing smartphone's contact book to support mobile awareness and collaboration. Proceedings of Mobile HCI 2005, ACM Press, New York, pp. 167-174. pdf

Sarvas, R., Oulasvirta, A., & Jacucci, G. (2005). Building social discourse around mobile photos: A systemic perspective. Proceedings of Mobile HCI 2005, ACM Press, New York, pp. 31-38. pdf

Jacucci, G., Oulasvirta, A., Psik, T., Salovaara, A., & Wagner, I. (2005). Augmented reality painting and collage: Evaluating tangible interaction in a field study. Proceedings of INTERACT'05, pp. 43-56. draft

Oulasvirta, A., Tamminen, S., Roto, V., and Kuorelahti, J. (2005). Interaction in 4-second bursts: The fragmented nature of attentional resources in mobile HCI. Proceedings of CHI 2005, ACM Press, New York, pp. 919-928. pdf summary

Roto, V., & Oulasvirta, A. (2005). Need for non-visual feedback with long response times in mobile HCI. Proceedings of WWW2005, ACM Press, New York, pp. 775-781.

Oulasvirta, A. (2004). Finding meaningful uses for context-aware technologies: The humanistic research strategy. Proceedings of CHI 2004, ACM Press, New York, pp. 247-254. pdf

Rantanen, M., Oulasvirta, A., Blom, J., Tiitta, S., & Mäntylä, M. (2004). InfoRadar: Group and public messaging in mobile context. Proceedings of NordiCHI 2004, ACM Press, New York, pp. 131-140. draft

Tamminen, S., Oulasvirta, A., Toiskallio, K., & Kankainen, A. (2003). Understanding mobile contexts. Proceedings of Mobile HCI 2003, Springer LNCS, pp. 17-31.

short papers and posters in conferences, peer-reviewed

Bergstrom-Lehtovirta, J., Oulasvirta, & Brewster, S. (2011). The effect of walking on target acquisition on a touchscreen interface. Proceedings of Mobile HCI 2011, ACM Press, New York. pdf

Rohs, M., Oulasvirta, A., & Suomalainen, T. (2011). Interaction with magic lenses: Real-world validation of a Fitts' law model. Proceedings of CHI 2011, ACM Press, New York. pdf

Bergström-Lehtovirta, J., Suomalainen, T., Rämänen, J., Oulasvirta, A., & Kujala, T. (2009). A comparative field study of four crane control interfaces. Proceedings of ECCE2009, ACM Press, New York.

Lehtinen, V., Hänninen, R., Toivonen, V., Oulasvirta, A., Kuuva, S., & Saariluoma, P. (2009). Developing a rapid questionnaire-based metric for experience of form. Proceedings of ECCE2009, ACM Press, New York.
Salovaara, A., Helfenstein, S., Wahlström, M., & Oulasvirta, A. (2009). What explains differences in users' inclination to appropriate technology for unconventional purposes? A preliminary analysis. Proceedings of ECCE2009, ACM Press, New York.
Vihavainen, S., Oulasvirta, A., & Sarvas, R. (2009). Automation not automatically good in mobile social applications. Proceedings of MobiQuitous 2009, IEEE Press.

Jameson, A., Gabrielli, S., & Oulasvirta, A. (2009). Users' preferences regarding intelligent user interfaces: differences among users and changes over time. Workshop description. Proceedings of IUI'09, ACM Press, New York, pp. 497-498.

Woelki, D., Oulasvirta, A., Kiefer, J., & Lischke, R. (2008). Practice effects on interruption tolerance in algebraic problem-solving. Proceedings of CogSci2008. pdf

Ardito C., Jacucci G., & Oulasvirta A. (2007). Different approaches to awareness cues visualization on mobile phones. Presented at the Fifth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction (CHItaly 2007), June 28-30, 2007, Padova, Italy.

Jacucci, G., Salovaara, A., Oulasvirta, A., Ilmonen, T., & Evans, J (2006). CoMedia: Integrating context cues into mobile group media for spectators. A poster presented at the 3rd International Conference on Enactive Interfaces (ENACTIVE 2006). Montpellier, France, November 20-21.

Oulasvirta, A., Tamminen, S., & Höök, K. (2005). Comparing two approaches to context: Realism and Constructivism. Proceedings of Critical Computing 2005, ACM Press, New York, pp. 195-198. pdf

Oulasvirta, A. (2005). Interrupted cognition and design for non-disruptiveness. The skilled memory approach. Extended Abstracts of CHI 2005, ACM Press, New York, pp. 1124-1125.

Oulasvirta, A., & Salovaara, A. (2004). A cognitive meta-analysis of design approaches to interruptions in intelligent environments. Proceedings of CHI 2004, ACM Press, New York, pp. 1155-1158.

Rantanen, M., Nurminen, A., Oulasvirta, A., & Blom, J. (2004). Demonstrating how context helps mobile people interact. Proceedings of NordiCHI'04, ACM Press, New York, pp. 461-462.

Salovaara, A., & Oulasvirta, A. (2004). Six modes of proactive resource management: a user-centric typology for proactive behaviors. Proceedings of NordiCHI 2004, ACM Press, New York, pp. 57-60. acm

Kurvinen, E., & Oulasvirta, A. (2004). Towards socially aware pervasive computing: a turntaking approach. Proceedings of IEEE PerCom 2004, IEEE, pp. 346-351.

workshop papers, peer-reviewed

Oulasvirta, A., Perkiö, J., Hietanen, H., & Tamminen, S. (2011). Rethinking ethical practices for the Helsinki Privacy Experiment. CHI 2011 Workshop on Ethics, Logs and Videotape: Ethics in Large Scale Trials & User Generated Content, Vancouver, Canada.

Oulasvirta, A. (2011). On the information potential of embodied interaction. CHI 2011 Workshop on Embodied Interaction: Theory and Practice, Vancouver, Canada.

Mäntylä, M. et al. (2009). SizzleLab: Building an experimentation platform for mobile social interaction. Mobile Living Labs 09, a workshop at the MobileHCI09 conference, Bonn, Germany.

Oulasvirta, A., Estlander, S., & Jacucci, G. (2008). Is "presence" important in mobile map interaction? CHI 2008 Workshop on Urban Mixed Realities, April 2008, Florence, Italy. pdf

Oulasvirta, A., Engelbrecht, K-P., Jameson, A., & Möller, S. (2006). The relationship between user errors and perceived usability of a spoken dialogue system. The 2nd ISCA/DEGA Tutorial & Research Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems. Berlin, Germany, 4-6 Sep, 2006.

Salovaara, A., Oulasvirta, A., & Jacucci, G. (2006). "The Panopticon": A method for observing inter-group interactions. CHI 2006 Workshop on Reality Testing, Montreal.

Jacucci, G., & Oulasvirta, A. (2006). Augmenting mobile interaction. For the Workshop on Interactive systems & new interface technologies in Luxembourg, Jan 30-31. Position paper to contribute to discussions on specific programmes to be implemented to the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) of the European Community.

Oulasvirta, A., Nivala A-M., Tikka, V., Liikkanen, L., & Nurminen, A. (2005). Understanding users' strategies with mobile maps. Mobile Maps 2005 Workshop, to be held in conjuction with Mobile HCI 2005, 19th September, Salzburg, Austria.

Raento, M., & Oulasvirta, A. (2005). Privacy management for social awareness applications. Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Context Awareness for Proactive Systems (CAPS 2005), HIIT Publications 2005-1, pp. 105-114.

Oulasvirta, A., & Tamminen, S. (2004). Temporal tensions in human-computer interaction. CHI2004 Workshop on Temporal Aspects of Work, Vienna, Austria.

Oulasvirta, A. (2004). Investigating interruptions at the ubicomp interface: A selective overview of doctoral research. In G. Linden (Ed.), Proceedings of PROW 2004, Helsinki University Press.

Oulasvirta, A. (2003). Developing future technologies that support social practices and community building. Proceedings of Psykocenter Symposium, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, pp. 177-186.

Kankainen, A., & Oulasvirta, A. (2002). Design ideas for everyday mobile ubiquitous computing based on qualitative user data. In N. Carbonell and C. Stephanidis (eds.), Universal Access. Theoretical Perspectives, Practice, and Experience. 7th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All. LNCS 2615. Springer, pp. 458-464.

magazine articles

Oulasvirta, A., & Hasu, T. (2011). ContextLogger2: A Logger Construction Kit. Works in Progress. IEEE Pervasive Computing.

Oulasvirta, A. (2008). When users "do" the ubicomp. interactions, 15 (2&3), 6-9. link pdf

Oulasvirta, A. (2008). Black boxes and white boxes: Where is evaluation heading. interfaces, 72, 7-9. link

Oulasvirta, A. (2005). The fragmentation of attention in mobile interaction, and what to do with it. interactions, 12 (6), 16-18. pdf

academic theses

Oulasvirta, A. (2006). Studies of working memory in interrupted human-computer interaction. Doctoral thesis, University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology Reports no. 38.

Oulasvirta, A. (2004). Human-computer interaction in mobile context: a cognitive resources perspective. Licentiate Thesis, Cognitive Science, Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki.

Oulasvirta, A. Keskeytysten muistivaikutukset (Effects of task interruptions on memory) (2001). Master's Thesis, Cognitive Science, Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki.

technical reports

Kotkaluoto, S., Leino, J., Oulasvirta, A., Peltonen, P., Räihä, K-J., & Törmä, S. (2009). Review of service composition interfaces. Technical Reports Series of the Department of Computer Sciences, University of Tampere, D-2009-7, October 2009. link

Oulasvirta, A., Nurminen, A., Nivala, A-M. (2007). Interacting with 3D and 2D mobile maps: An exploratory study. HIIT Technical Report 2007-1, April 11 2007.  link

Roto, V. Oulasvirta, A. Haikarainen, T. Lehmuskallio, H., & Nyyssönen, T. (2004). Examining mobile phone use in the wild with quasi-experimentation. HIIT Technical Report 2004-1, August 13, 2004. link

Kurvinen, E. and Oulasvirta, A. (2003). Towards social awareness in ubiquitous computing: A turntaking approach. HIIT Technical Report 2003-1, July 2, 2003.

Oulasvirta, A., Tiitta, S., & Saariluoma, P. (2002). Keskeiset väestöparametrit ubiquitous computing -tuotekonseptien suunnittelussa. HIIT-Publications 2002-2.


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Last updated on 6 Oct 2011 by Antti Oulasvirta - Page created on 8 Mar 2007 by Antti Oulasvirta