
News archive for Future Internet

News in 2010

  • HIIT Spektri site is moving to new premises to Innopoli 2 (Technopolis), 3rd floor on October 18, 2010. This means also FI programme will be located in Innopoli 2.

  • George Giakkoupis from Paris 7 will give a talk on Tuesday 4.5. at 11:00 in Spektri 3rd floor meeting room. All are welcome to attend the talk entitled "Search in small-world networks".

Networking Research news


The full-day Trustinet project seminar was held 24.09.2008 in HIIT. See presentations here.



Robert Moskowitz visited HIIT and gave a presentation.

16 May 08: Guest lecture by Dr. Lars Erik Holmquist, HIIT Spektri 10:00 AM

Dr. Lars Erik Holmquist from Mobile Life Center, Stockholm University / SICS, Sweden, will give a guest talk at HIIT Spektri on Friday, May 16 at 10:00 AM. All interested parties are welcome! Please announce your  intention to be present. to Dr. Giulio Jacucci. Title and abstract are as follows:

Grounded Innovation of Future Applications

Dr. Lars Erik Holmquist
Mobile Life Center
Stockholm University / SICS

Location: HIIT Spektri Pilotti, see directions at http://www.hiit.fi

24 Apr 08: FUGA reseachers measure gaming experience

FUGA logo

The FUGA research project "The Fun of Gaming" creates methods and sophisticated techniques to improve gaming research and the overall gaming experience. The goal is to examine how the gaming experience - player's emotions and cognitions - can be accurately assessed.

