
11 June 10:00 David Kirkpatrick: Hyperbolic dovetailing

Professor David Kirkpatrick from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, will give a guest talk on Thursday 11 June at 10, in Exactum C222.

Title: Hyperbolic dovetailing



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Keep the colours and the font families as they are. Those should always stay the same.


Tietävä Organisaatio award to HIIT

Wed, 03.06.2009

3 June 2009 - Society for Finnish Information Specialists (Tietoasiantuntijat) has awarded HIIT for efficient and innovative use of information.

Read more (in Finnish) »

2 June - Socio-cognitive modeling

The KULTA project, a collaboration between Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), National Consumer Research Center and Helsinki School of Economics, and the computational cognitive systems research group at TKK organize a multidisciplinary research seminar on socio-cognitive modeling.

The seminar is mainly intended for researchers working in disciplines related to to socio-cognitive modeling including but not limited to sociology, cognitive science, and computer science. Also practitioners interested in these questions are welcome.


HIIT poster description - HIITin posterin kuvaus

HIITin posterissa on ylhäällä ja alhaalla vihreä väripalkki.

HIITin vihreän arvot ovat seuraavat:
Pantone 3435 U
CMYK 93, 24, 85, 69
RGB 2, 71, 49
Heksadesimaali #024731


Yläpalkki A0-koossa:
Korkeus: yläreunasta alkaen 80 mm
Leveys: koko paperin leveys

Yläpalkissa on HIITin logo valkoisena
Korkeus: 50 mm
Sijainti vasemmasta reunasta: 60 mm
Sijainti yläreunasta 15 mm
