
7 Oct 13:00 Giulio Jacucci: BeAware - Turning Consumers into Active Players in Energy Conservation

Please join us for Prof. Giulio Jacucci who will talk about raising consumers' energy awareness.

Time: Wednesday 7 October at 1-2pm.

Place: Spektri's 3rd floor meeting room.

Title: BeAware - Turning Consumers into Active Players in Energy Conservation

6 Oct Mini-workshop on machine learning and neural representation by the University of Helsinki

Mini-workshop on machine learning and neural representation Tue 6th October 2009, University of Helsinki (Kumpula)

11:30 Aapo Hyvärinen (University of Helsinki)

12:00 Jörg Lücke (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Linear, maximal, and occlusive causes for component extraction
(abstract given below)

13:00 Lunch break (on your own)

14:00 Peter Földiák (University of St Andrews)
Semantic representation in neural codes (abstract given below)

15:00 Coffee break


Thesis: probabilistic models of natural images for understanding how brains work

Mon, 05.10.2009

5 Oct 2009 - Even though the visual cortex is one of the most studied parts of the brain, surprisingly little is known about how exactly images are processed to leave us with a coherent percept of the world around us, so we can recognize a friend or drive on a crowded street without any effort. In his thesis Urs Köster constructured probabilistic models of natural images. to understand the structure of the stimulus.

Read more (in English) »

5 Oct 13:15 Mark Billinghurst

Prof Mark Billinghurst will visit the TKK Department of Media Technology for about 3 months in 2009 (20 Sep-15 Dec), and for about 3.5 months at the end of 2010.

Prof Billinghurst is a visiting professor for the TKK Multidisciplinary Institute of Digitalisation and Energy (MIDE, see He can be found (most of the time) at the Department of Media Technology (TKK Computer Science Building, room B163, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo).

Short biography:

5 Oct 12:00 Urs Köster: A Probabilistic Approach to the Primary Visual Cortex

Urs Köster will defend his PhD thesis "A Probabilistic Approach to the Primary Visual Cortex" on Monday 5th Oct at 12 o'clock in Auditorium D101, Physicum.

The Opponent is Dr. Jörg Lücke, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
