
Useful Phone Numbers and Links

HIIT's people directory is found at

The service number for the IT-group (from 10-13) is 8170

Secretary Pirkko Miettunen 8145

TKK reception 09 4511

TKK web page

The TKK personnel guide is found at

All required forms and applications are at the university web page

Recreational Facilities

There is a gym and a sauna for all personnel on the top floor of Duo building.

Internal Communications

The minutes of HIIT's management group are on view on the bulletin board on the 2nd floor.

There are several mailing lists, meant for all employees, in the research institute. More information from the planning officer Päivi Saarinen. The e-mail address for employees is in the form firstname.lastname(a)

TKK NYT is available on Fridays in the mail pigeonholes and is also on display at .


Travelling abroad

A travel application MUST be completed before taking the trip.

Travel bookings are made by the secretary. She is using a booking system which entitles to discounts.

Booking a trip in good time (for instance one month ahead) may drop the price as much as 75 %.

TKK has an agreement on travel insurance with Eurooppalainen Insurance Company, which covers all employees travelling on business for TKK. Insurance cards from the secretary.

Travelling in Finland


The mail is delivered every day at around 9am and leaves in the afternoon at about 3 o'clock.

The distribution of mail into personal lockers is attended to by the secretary.

For external mail, ready paid envelopes are used, found in the office supply storage.

For internal mail, internal mail envelopes are used, found next to the mail lockers.

For more extensive mail shipments and for external packages, a Post office address sticker and bar code sticker, acquired from the secretary, are used.
