Submitted by noronen on August 20, 2010 - 00:00
Margus Lukk väittelee 19.8.2010 kello 12 Helsingin yliopiston matemaattis-luonnontieteellisessä tiedekunnassa aiheesta "Construction of a global map of human gene expression - the process, tools and analysis".
Vastaväittäjänä on professori Mauno Vihinen, Tampereen yliopisto, ja kustoksena toimii professori Esko Ukkonen.
Submitted by noronen on August 20, 2010 - 00:00
Professor Alon Orlitsky (UC San Diego) will give a guest lecture on Thursday, August 19, at 14:15 in Exactum, room B222. The title of the talk is
"Foreseeing the Unseen: Probability Estimation over Large Alphabets".
This summer Pori Jazz uses the latest technology to present its programme, artists and venues to the audience. The Jatsitatsi multitouch wall, created as a part of a research project, uses advanced technology in a novel way to provide the audience with new experiences in public spaces.
Multitouch user interface design studied at the Pori Jazz festival
Fri, 23.07.2010
20 July 2010 - This summer Pori Jazz uses the latest technology to present its programme, artists and venues to the audience. The Jatsitatsi multitouch wall, created as a part of a HIIT-led research project, uses advanced technology in a novel way to provide the audience with new experiences in public spaces.