
Visual guidelines

Use the official HIIT logos.
Logos »

Write with the official HIIT fonts.
Fonts »

Use the official HIIT colours.
Colours »


HIIT logo green

PMS: 3435 U

CMYK: 93, 24, 85, 69

RGB: 2, 71, 49

Hexadecimal: #024731


In headlines / otsikoissa
Trebuchet MS (regular)

In body text / leipätekstissä
Arial (regular)

In page numbers, headers, footers / sivunumeroissa, headereissa sivun yläreunassa, footereissa sivun alareunassa
Arial (regular)

In charts if needed / kaavioissa tarpeen vaatiessa
Arial (narrow)

In the HIIT logo / Hiitin logossa
Adobe CronosMM


9 June at 14.00: HIIT Personnel Info

Tue, 03.06.2008

All HIIT people are invited to a personnel event.

Time: Monday 9 June at 14.00
Venue: University of Helsinki, Porthania building, room P674, Yliopistonkatu 3, 6th floor.
Read more at  
