
Billing addresses

HIIT at Aalto University

Please ask your contact person to provide you with a billing reference.

HIIT at the University of Helsinki - all companies

Send your bill to:
Helsingin yliopisto
PL 7138
01051 LASKUT

Add the following information to the bill:
1. Helsingin yliopisto, TKTL/HIIT
2. VA5233
3. Contact person's name at HIIT



Study Subjects wanted

Wed, 10.09.2008

10 Sep 08 - I'm looking for potential study subjects from the HIIT employees. Two types of individuals are wanted.

First, I'm looking for individuals that
a) have not(!) owned or otherwise used for long term a cell phone with which one can surf in the Internet,
b) have at least mediocre knowledge and skills in computers, and
c) are aged from 25 to 40 years.

OtaSizzle launched for testing mobile social media services

Tue, 09.09.2008

8 Sep 2008 - OtaSizzle test environment has been launched. It will develop an open experimentation environment for testing mobile social media services. The goal is to make OtaSizzle a "living lab" for thousands of users in Otaniemi, with extensions in greater Helsinki. The project creates prototype mobile social media service platforms and studies them with extensive field tests, coupled with quantitative measurements and qualitative analysis. The outcome will be a "packaged" experimentation environment, "SizzleLab" concept.

OtaSizzle Launched for Testing Mobile Social Media Services

8 Sep 08 - OtaSizzle test environment has been launched. It will develop an open experimentation environment for testing mobile social media services. The goal is to make OtaSizzle a "living lab" for thousands of users in Otaniemi, with extensions in greater Helsinki. The project creates prototype mobile social media service platforms and studies them with extensive field tests, coupled with quantitative measurements and qualitative analysis.

Suuri testiympäristö yhteisömedian kännykkäsovelluksille

8.9.2008 - Otaniemessä perustetaan tänään merkittävä testiympäristö, jonka tavoitteena on tutkia sosiaalista eli yhteisömediaa matkapuhelimilla käytettynä. OtaSizzle-testiympäristöstä pyritään rakentamaan aikaa myötä tuhansien, eri paikkakunnilla asuvien käyttäjien monivuotinen living lab –ympäristö, jossa esimerkiksi käyttäjät voivat itse kokeilla ja kehittää uudenlaisia, omia yhteisömediapalveluita.
