
Study: people are cautious in asking help from their community

Thu, 23.09.2010

24 Sep 2010 - People are cautious in exchanging favors and items with other people in their community. Researchers, who studied an online gift exchange service, say that many people buy services because it does not occur to them that someone in their community could help them or they are too shy to ask for a favor.

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Thomas Plagemann: From Networked Sensors and Actuators to Complex Event Processing and its Application in the Future Internet

Event time: 
2010-09-22 10:15 to 12:00

Invited talk by Prof Thomas Plagemann on Wednesday 22.9. at 10:15 in T2

Title: From Networked Sensors and Actuators to Complex Event
Processing and its Application in the Future Internet.

Thomas Plagemann

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Tutkimus: tietokoneet toimivat hyvin Suomen pakkasilmassa

Energiaa voidaan säästää tietokoneiden palvelinsaleissa huomattavasti käyttämällä suoraan ulkoilmaa laitteiden viilennykseen. Tietotekniikan tutkimuslaitos HIITin ja Helsingin yliopiston tutkimuksessa kattoterassilla kuukausikaupalla käytetyt tietokoneet toimivat hyvin ulkolämpötilojen tippuessa jopa kahdenkymmenen pakkasasteen kylmemmälle puolelle ja ilmankosteuden vaihdellessa.

Study: Servers run well around zero degrees

Lots of energy can be saved by using outside air directly for cooling in data centers in the north. In a study by researchers of Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT and the University of Helsinki, computers functioned correctly over extended periods of time when run in harsh winter temperatures. Commercial, off-the-shelf computers ran well even when the outside temperature was -22C (-8F).
