
Break in WWW, showtime and printing 2007-12-27 18:15-19:15



2007-12-27 18:15 - 20:00


1:45 h

Affected services:

www.hiit.fi, printing (printer.hiit.fi), showtime


Web server's, printer server's and Xen-virtual-host base-server's firmware update. All pending software updates will be run too.

Update 19:12: Due to media problems (fw-cd) the break takes a little longer.

Update 20:21: Xen-virtual-host showtime messed itself up somehow. It'll be fixed A.S.A.P.

28.11.2007: HIIT Board meeting 5/2007

HIIT Board meeting 5/2007 has been cancelled.

Dr. Aapo Hyvärinen invited to professorship at UH

Fri, 09.11.2007

9 Nov 2007 - The Council of the University of Helsinki has decided to invite Senior Research Scientist, Dr. Aapo Hyvärinen in one of the floating 5-year professor positions ("pooliprofessuuri") that can be allocated on the basis of a new emerging field or a particularly prominent candidate on the basis of the individual performance, development of a succesful line of research, scientific and societal relevance, and the match with the overall strategy of the university.

2.11.2007: Oriana Riva's doctoral dissertation

HIIT researcher, M.Sc. Oriana Riva will defend her doctoral dissertation Middleware for Mobile Sensing Applications in Urban Environments on Friday, November 2nd at 12 o'clock at the University of Helsinki Main Building, Auditorium XIV, Unioninkatu 34. The opponent is Prof. Olaf Drögehorn (University of Kassel) and the custos Prof. Kimmo Raatikainen (University of Helsinki).

14.9.2007 HIIT Seminar: Attila Egri-Nagy

HIIT seminars in fall 2007 will be held in hall **B222** of Exactum, on Fridays starting at 10:15 a.m. Coffee available from 10.

Fri Sep 14
Dr. Attila Egri-Nagy
Royal Society Wolfson BioComputation Research Lab, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Algebraic Hierarchical Decomposition of Finite State Automata and its Biological Applications

