
A bibliometric exercise for SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. By Antti Oulasvirta. 2006

See a more recent bibliometric analysis by Christop Bartneck!

Today's academic research is a competitive enterprise, similar in many respects to sports. "Publish or perish" is no joke but hard reality for researchers who have to compete for funding, for publications, for fame. But can we measure their performance and, perhaps, see who "holds the world record"?

Prof. Pekka Himanen's innovation report published

Thu, 08.03.2007

8 Mar 2007 - Prof. Pekka Himanen's report The Finnish Dream (Suomalainen unelma) was published in an event held by the Centennary Fund of the Technology Industries of Finland. The report characterises innovation driven economy and society, and studies the underlying culture of creativity. It is a summary in Finnish of a larger monograph to be published later in English.

8.3.2007: Making Dead History Come Alive through Mobile Game-Play, Carmelo Ardito, University of Bari

Using the game to transform the visit to archaeological sites into a more complete and culturally rich experience

Carmelo Ardito
Interaction Visualization Usability group
Università di Bari, Italy
Visiting Uix and DCC groups at the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT),


Video recording system for behavioral studies in the field

"Mobile usability lab"

A state-of-the art wearable (bearable:) video recording system, developed in the PASION project (EU FP6 Presence) to study mobile human-computer interaction. Tuomo Nyyssönen, perhaps the only expert in this field in Finland, was hired from Nokia Research Center to construct the system.

General goals:

Human-centered ubiquitous computing programme proposal submitted

Wed, 28.02.2007

28 Feb 2007 - On behalf of a consortium with 14 partners in Finnish universities, research institutes and industry, HIIT has submitted a proposal to the Academy of Finland to establish a research programme on Human-centered ubiquitous computing. The proposed programme aims to combine Finnish research competences in the area to make a significant contribution to understanding human issues arising in future ubiquitous computing and communications systems, and creating applicable theories and methods on its basis.
