Events 2008

13.-23.4.2008: UIx in California

The Ubiquitous Interaction group (and several members of DCC) visits San Francisco Bay area in California, USA. The visit programme includes several workshops in UC Berkeley, Stanford University and Nokia Research Centre Palo Alto. With the trip, the group aims to increase the visibility of its work and to find new research collaboration opportunities.


5.4.2008: Urban Mixed Realities: Technologies, Theories and Frontiers workshop at CHI 2008

HIIT co-arranges the workshop Urban Mixed Realities: Technologies, Theories and Frontiers in association with the premier conference on interaction research, CHI 2008. Position papers are expeced by 3 Oct 2007. Acceptance notifications will be provided by 28 November 2007. The camera-ready version (extended abstract) will be due on December 10, 2007. For more information, please contact Dr. Giulio Jacucci.

30.1.2008: Mobile Auto Future Inter-networking Architecture (MAFIA) Workshop

HIIT and Center for Wireless Communications (CWC) are jointly planning a new project that will focus on the inter-networking (routing, addressing, service model) aspects of communications from the mobile radio point of view. As a part of the project planning and preparation, HIIT and CWC are arranging a technical, discussion-type workshop on the topic.
[Invitation and preliminary programme]

26.1.2008: Doctoral dissertation of Jaakko Kangasharju

HIIT researcher Jaakko Kangasharju presents his doctoral thesis XML Messaging for Mobile Devices in a public dissertation at University of Helsinki, Audiorium XIV, University Main Building. The custos of the event is professor Kimmo Raatikainen from University of Helsinki and HIIT. The opponent is Professor Tommi Mikkonen from Tampere University of Technology.

8.-10.1.2008 PSIRP EU project kick-off

The kick-off event of the PSIRP (Publish-Subscribe Internet Routing Paradigm) EU project will be held in Course Center Onnela on January 8 through 10, 2008. PSIRP will study novel Internet architectures based on the publish-subscribe paradigm. It is the first project coordinated by HIIT in EU's 7th framework programme. (Attendance by invitation only.)
