Machine Learning Coffee seminar "Fairness-aware machine intelligence: foundations and challenges"

Lecturer : 
Indrė Žliobaitė
Event type: 
HIIT seminar
Event time: 
2018-05-07 09:15 to 10:00
Exactum D122, Kumpula

Indrė Žliobaitė, University of Helsinki

Title: Fairness-aware machine intelligence: foundations and challenges 

Algorithmic decision making is pervasive, the prices we pay, the news or movies we see, the jobs or credits we get are advised by algorithms. Not so long ago the public used to think that decision making by computers is inherently objective, but realization that models learned from data are not more objective than the data on which they have been trained is becoming common. Fairness-aware machine learning has emerged as a discipline about ten years ago with the main goal to correct algorithmically for potential biases towards sensitive groups of people. The talk will discuss the main challenges, existing solutions and current trends in this research area.

Machine Learning Coffee seminars are weekly seminars held jointly by the Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. The seminars aim to gather people from different fields of science with interest in machine learning. Talks will begin at 9:15 am and porridge and coffee will be served from 9:00 am.

Other upcoming events:

  • May 14, Otaniemi, Minisymposium on Interactive ML (organizers: Jacucci & Oulasvirta)
  • May 21, Kumpula, Harri Lähdesmäki
  • May 28, Otaniemi, Minisymposium on Privacy-Preserving and Secure AI (organizers: Asokan & Honkela)


Last updated on 2 May 2018 by Teemu Roos - Page created on 29 Apr 2018 by Teemu Roos