Recent and Future Information Visualization Research at Inria / Aviz

Lecturer : 
Pierre Dragicevic
Event type: 
Guest lecture
Event time: 
2015-03-12 10:00 to 11:00
Lecture Room R037/TU2, TUAS building, Otaniementie 17, 02150 Espoo


The goal of information visualization is to study how computer-supported visual representations of data can reinforce human cognition. In this talk, I will give a panorama of recent and ongoing information visualization research carried out in the Aviz team at Inria, France. This panorama will be unavoidably biased towards the research projects I was personally involved in, and will emphasize two themes: studying the psychology of information visualization, and leveraging emerging technologies in information visualization. I will describe recent research projects covering these two areas, as well as our future research directions. I will conclude with a few reflections and lessons learned, including the need to go beyond mainstream infovis research questions and to question well-established notions, the importance of cross-fertilization with other disciplines, and the need to better understand the technological artifacts we are contributing to create.


Pierre Dragicevic defended his PhD thesis on human-computer interaction in Nantes, France, in 2004, after which he worked as a post-doc at the Université Toulouse III, in the IntuiLab company, and at the University of Toronto, Canada. In 2007, he joined the Aviz team at Inria in France as a permanent research scientist, where he has been working on topics such as animated visualizations, physical visualizations, perception and motor control, and visualizations for judgment and decision making.


Pierre Dragicevic is visiting HIIT between March 11 and 13. If you would like to talk to him, please email Luana Micallef (


Last updated on 4 Mar 2015 by Luana Micallef - Page created on 4 Mar 2015 by Luana Micallef