This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.
20.05.2016 00:00–00:00
Aalto University’s School of Business, Auxiliary Building 'Chydenia' (Runeberginkatu 22-24)The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for both academic researchers and industrial practitioners to discuss opportunities and challenges in keyword search and data exploration for structured data, and to present the key issues and novel techniques in this area. In this workshop, we invite researchers from academia and industry...
BIO-FMI - Compressing and Indexing Genomes
Speaker: Prof. Jan Holub
Speaker affiliation: Czech Technical University in Prague
Host: Prof. Jorma Tarhio
Time: 14:15 (coffee at 14:00)
Venue: T2 in CS buildingBIO-FMI - Compressing and Indexing Genomes
Human genome contains of 3.3*10^9 base pairs. Storage of genomes of many people take a lot of space. The...
Topi Toosi, Ville Haikola, Zhao Chen
MSc Thesis Presentations on Thu 19 May 2016, B322 (CS Building):
12:00-12:30 Topi Toosi
Topic: "Prosessianturien ikääntymisen havaitseminen kohinamittauksen avulla"
Supervisor: Prof. Juha Karhunen12:30-13:00 Ville Haikola
Topic: "Optimization of a search function in a large software product"
Supervisor: Prof. Juha Karhunen
MSc Thesis Presentation on Fri 20 May 2016,... -
19.05.2016 08:00–20.05.2016 16:00
Exactum building, Kumpula Campus14th Bioinformatics Research and Education Workshop BREW will take place in Helsinki, May 19-20, 2016.
BREW is a workshop for PhD students in bioinformatics and computational biology, which aims to give an introduction to scientific conferences, including submission, peer review and presentation of scientific papers. All participants...
BREW is a workshop for PhD students in bioinformatics and computational biology
Conference venue:
Exactum building (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b) at Kumpula Campus, room D122 (first floor).Hosted by:
University of Helsinki and Aalto University, FinlandBREW is a workshop for PhD students in bioinformatics and computational biology, which aims to give an introduction to...
19.05.2016 00:00–20.05.2016 00:00
Exactum, KumpulaBREW is a workshop for PhD students in bioinformatics and computational biology, which aims to give an introduction to scientific conferences, including submission, peer review and presentation of scientific papers. All participants must submit a paper and take part in reviewing papers from other participants...
18.05.2016 14:15–16:00
Guest lecture
Exactum B119Caroline Colijn: Informative comparisons between phylogenetic trees@ 14:15
Abstract: There is increasing interest in using phylogenetic trees to infer evolutionary and epidemiological processes. Indeed, understanding what processes give rise to the patterns of diversity and ancestry we observe is a central question in evolutionary biology. In the absence of...
18.05.2016 14:15–16:00
Guest lecture
Exactum B119Caroline Colijn: Informative comparisons between phylogenetic trees@ 14:15
Abstract: There is increasing interest in using phylogenetic trees to infer evolutionary and epidemiological processes. Indeed, understanding what processes give rise to the patterns of diversity and ancestry we observe is a central question in evolutionary biology. In the absence of...
Exploration, Analytics and Privacy of Web Databases
Speaker: prof. Nan Zhang
Speaker affiliation: The George Washington University
Host: prof. Aristides Gionis
Time: 11:15 (coffee at 11:00)
Venue: T2 in CS buildingExploration, Analytics and Privacy of Web Databases
Numerous online databases are hidden behind restrictivesearch or browsing web interfaces....
Enforcing Role-Based Access Control with Attribute-Based Cryptography for Environments with Multi-Level Security Requirements
Mikko Kiviharju, Lic.Sc. (Tech.), will defend the dissertation Enforcing Role-Based Access Control with Attribute-Based Cryptography for Environments with Multi-Level Security Requirements on 17 May 2016 at 12 noon in Aalto University School of Science, lecture hall AS2, Otaniementie 17...