This news feed aggregates content from the Research News feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.
The new information service links over one million pieces of information with each other and sheds light on Finland's history in an unprecedented way. The illustration presents the Tapahtumat view ('Events'), which describes the political and military events in the Winter War and the Continuation War in a timeline and presents the events of the five-day time window (the rectangular in the middle) on the map. The heat map in the background is calculated from the number of soldiers killed...
ACM is the main professional organization in computer science, and this prestigious award is given first time to Aalto University researchers. In selecting 49 computing leaders as 2015 ACM Distinguished Members, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world’s leading association of computing professionals, is highlighting how the work of these innovators is changing the world. The criteria for selection to the Distinguished Member grade include at least 15 years of professional...
Agile Education Research Group (RAGE) along with Arto Klami was awarded the best paper award at the 15th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education Research (ACM). The work was seen as of especially high quality, as the conference does not give out best paper awards annually. The work, entitled "Identification of Programmers from Typing Patterns", analyzes the possibilities of identifying individuals based on...
With the Big Wheel reformation, teaching at the University of Helsinki will be reorganised. From the start of the academic year 2017-2018, the courses will be given within the framework of the new programmes and the study directions (specialisation options) within them. With the new system, students will belong to one programme at a time: a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral programme. The transition period will continue until 2020, so current students may select whether they want to...
The research findings have implications for emotion research, entertainment industry and 3D displays. Six stereoscopic image pairs used in the experiment. The images can be seen in 3D by 'looking through' the image. Mediated facial expressions do not elicit emotions as strongly as real-life facial expressions. In particular, 2D photographs of facial expressions fail to evoke emotions as strongly as live faces, possibly due to the low fidelity of the pictorial presentation. In a new study,...
Iso Pyörä -uudistuksen mukana Helsingin yliopistolla annettava opetus järjestäytyy uudella tavalla. Lukuvuoden 2017-2018 alusta opetusta annetaan uusissa koulutusohjelmissa ja näiden sisäisissä opintosuunnissa. Uudessa systeemissä opiskelijat kuuluvat kerrallaan yhteen koulutusohjelmaan, kandi-, maisteri- tai tohtoriohjelmaan. Siirtymäaikaa on vuoteen 2020 saakka, eli vanhat opiskelijat voivat tuohon saakka valita, haluavatko opiskella vanhan vai...
Agile Education Research Group (RAGE) along with Arto Klami was awarded the best paper award at the 15th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education Research (ACM). The work was seen as of especially high quality, as the conference does not give out best paper awards annually. read more
A data security institute that can research and publish freely and is funded by Intel operates at the Department of Computer Science. The funder’s only requirement is that the research be among the best in the field. Good business cooperation is a win-win-situation. read more
Researchers from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT participated to Slush. In 2015, Slush brought together 15.000 attendees, including 1.700 startups, 800 venture capital investors and 630 journalists from exactly 100 countries. People from more than half of the world’s countries traveled to the cold and dark Helsinki, with the ambition of taking their business to the next level. Slush is a non-profit event organized by a...