Henry Tirri appointed HIIT Fellow

Tue, 22.09.2015

The HIIT Board appointed in its meeting on September 16, 2015, docent Henry Tirri to become an HIIT Fellow. Former appointed HIIT Fellows are Professor Emeritus Jorma Rissanen (IBM Almaden, USA), Professor Tommi Jaakkola (MIT, USA), and Professor Wray Buntine (Monash University, Australia). The title of HIIT Fellow is meant for outside world-class experts who are willing to share their deep understanding and extensive knowledge of HIIT core areas to support HIIT in planning of its future strategy.

Most people know Henry best for his impact as an EVP and CTO of Nokia,  but in addition to having an impressive career at Nokia in various roles, Henry has a long academic history involving places like HIIT, University of Helsinki, Aalto University, UC Berkeley, UT at Austin, MCC, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Purdue University, NASA Ames, and Stanford University. He is currently focusing on consulting on the impact of fundamental technology developments for various industrial areas from financial technologies to automotive and healthcare.

Henry Tirri has also been appointed to the Executive in Residence position at School of Business. One of his key tasks will be to provide students with the latest information on the growth, strategies and management of high technology companies. Along with Aalto researchers, Tirri will participate in domestic discussion of the digital transformation. Read more from Aalto news.

Contact person: Petri Myllymäki

Last updated on 15 Oct 2015 by Maria Lindqvist - Page created on 22 Sep 2015 by Petri Myllymäki