HIIT participated to the 10th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Systems Biology

Fri, 16.09.2016
10th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Systems Biology
September 3-4 2016, World Forum, The Hague

The tenth edition of MLSB was organized as a two-day satellite meeting before ECCB2016, the European Conference on Computational Biology (September 5-7, 2016) by Dick de Ridder and Aalt-Jan van Dijk (Wageningen University, The Netherlands) and Juho Rousu and Harri Lähdesmäki (Aalto University, Finland) at the World Forum in The Huage. The workshop was generously sponsored by contributions from NWO Exact Sciences, the Helsinki Institute of Information Technology (HIIT) and five companies: BaseClear, Bayer, Enza Zaden, Philips and RijkZwaan.



Biology is rapidly turning into an information science, thanks to enormous advances in the ability to observe the molecular properties of cells, organs and individuals. This wealth of data allows us to model molecular systems at an unprecedented level of detail and to start to understand the underlying biological mechanisms. This field of systems biology creates a huge need for methods from machine learning, which find statistical dependencies and patterns in these large-scale datasets and that use them to establish models of complex molecular systems. MLSB, a series of workshops, is a scientific forum for the exchange between researchers from Systems Biology and Machine Learning, to promote the exchange of ideas, interactions and collaborations between these communities.
The programme contained four keynote talks by internationally recognized top scientists in the field:
  • Prof. Lodewyk Wessels, The Delft Bioinformatics Lab, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • Prof. Jukka Corander, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Prof. Yvan Saeys, VIB Inflammation Research Center, Ghent University, Belgium
  • Prof. Ziv Bar-Joseph, School of Computer Science Carnegie--Mellon University, USA

Contact person: Juho Rousu

Last updated on 16 Sep 2016 by Maria Lindqvist - Page created on 16 Sep 2016 by Maria Lindqvist