12 Oct 12:00 Teemu Kiviniemi: Implementation of an IPv4 to IPv6 Multicast Translator

12.10 at 12:00, Spektri 3rd floor
Master thesis talk by Teemu Kiviniemi, CSC

Implementation of an IPv4 to IPv6 Multicast Translator

In this thesis an IPv4 to IPv6 multicast translator is implemented. The translator enables IPv6 hosts to join IPv4 multicast groups in a way which does not require modifications in senders or receivers. The translator is implemented and tested with the specific requirements of IP television (IPTV) in mind.

The translator is implemented as a new component of MRD6 multicast router on Linux. The translator follows the architectural ideas presented in MCAST46 Internet-Draft. IPv4 to IPv6 protocol translation is done using the Stateless IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm (SIIT) which is adapted for multicast translation in this thesis.

Last updated on 5 Oct 2009 by Visa Noronen - Page created on 12 Oct 2009 by Visa Noronen