13 Nov 12:15 A. S. M. Sajeev: Cultural issues in Global Software Development

A. S. M. Sajeev is visiting Helsinki. He gives a guest talk on Friday 13.11.2009. at 12:15-14:00, room B119.

A. S. M. Sajeev is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of New England, Australia. Sajeev has previously worked at Monash University, Australia, University of Newcastle, Australia and the Indian Space Research Organisation. His research interests are in Software Project Management, Software Processes and Testing. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Monash University, Australia, a Masters with first class honours in Computer Science from the Indian Statistical Institute and a Bachelor degree with first class honours in Electrical Engineering from Cochin University, India. Professor Sajeev is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia. http://mcs.une.edu.au/~sajeev

Cultural issues in Global Software Development

Global software development has changed software engineering activities from a localised and, often, mono-cultural event into a distributed multicultural phenomenon. This brings in additional project risks arising from geographic distances and cultural differences. In this talk we discuss cultural issues in global software development. The talk is structured as follows. First we look at the problems and issues reported in the literature arising from cultural differences. Then we report on our own work in this area. We investigate the extent to which cultural differences influence several project management risks. One of our studies involved over 300 IT professionals from Thailand and another nearly 40 participants from Europe and Asia. One particular risk that is investigated further is the risk of hiding bad news. When unexpected problems develop in a project, the management needs to know about them quickly so that decisive actions can be taken to bring the project back on course. We investigate the question, "Can cultural differences increase the risk of hiding negative information in global software development? "


Juha Taina, University Lecturer, Department of Computer Science

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