5 Mar 10:15 Antti Nurminen: Mobile three-dimensional city maps

HIIT seminar, Friday Mar 5, 10:15 a.m. (coffee from 10), Exactum B222

Dr. Antti Nurminen
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT Aalto University, School of Science and Technology

Mobile three-dimensional city maps

Mobile 3D maps pose a significant challenge for visualization. Rendering large realistic virtual environments is one of the most demanding real time computational tasks. When the platform is a mere mobile phone, the technical challenge is overwhelming. Further complications emerge as the mobile situation may require a wireless transmission of the underlying 3D model, and transmitting an entire model would not be feasible - the model could encompass the entire planet.

We have an overlook on 3D maps, and present the main optimization methods for both rendering and transmitting near realistic 3D models. We also present main results from field experiments towards creating a better user interface. Finally, we present a new metrics for determining the required level of realism. In this case, the task at hand, namely navigation, where the recognition of the environment is important, provides the main quality criteria.

Last updated on 4 Mar 2010 by Visa Noronen - Page created on 5 Mar 2010 by Visa Noronen