Mapping the Design Space for Ubimedia Services

Lecturer : 
Anu Kankainen
Event type: 
HIIT seminar
Event time: 
2010-12-01 14:30 to 15:30
Computer Science Building, Room A328

Our next speaker for HIIT Otaniemi seminar series is Anu Kankainen from the "Digital Content Communities (DCC)" group of the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT. Before her talk, she will also give a short overview on the research areas of the group.

All ICS@Aalto researchers are also warmly welcome to attend the seminar!

HIIT seminar Otaniemi, Wednesday December 1, 14:30
Location: Computer Science building, Room A328

Anu Kankainen
Digital Content Communities (DCC) Group
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT

Mapping the Design Space for Ubimedia Services

Docent Anu Kankainen, co-leader of DCC research group, will give a talk on what kind of role media services can have in everyday ubiquitous environments. DCC has done user research on people's everyday media practices in order to find opportunities for future ubimedia services. In her talk Anu will present examples of use situations for ubimedia. In general, media field is one of the most promising application areas for ICT. Media is in the era of digitalization. User stories will help us to understand the interplay of media and ICT in future.


Mehmet Gönen
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT
Aalto University, School of Science and Technology 
Department of Information and Computer Science

Last updated on 30 Nov 2010 by Mehmet Gönen - Page created on 30 Nov 2010 by Mehmet Gönen