Negotiated interaction with computers: sensing, inference and multimodal feedback

Lecturer : 
Professor Roderick Murray-Smith
Event type: 
Guest lecture
Event time: 
2011-06-09 13:00 to 14:00
E332, Innopoli 2

 Abstract: This talk will focus on the 'negotiated interaction' approach to the design of human-computer interaction. This approach incorporates sensing, signal processing, probabilistic inference and multimodal feedback to shape the human-computer interaction loop. I will present examples from the mobile interaction, brain-computer interaction, and music recommendation areas.

Bio: Roderick Murray-Smith is a Professor of Computing Science in the Department of Computing Science at Glasgow University, where he runs the Dynamics and Interaction research group. He works in the overlap between machine learning, interaction design and control theory. Prior to this he has held positions at the Hamilton Institute, NUIM, Technical University of Denmark, M.I.T., and Daimler-Benz Research, Berlin. He works closely with the mobile phone industry, Syntonetic A/s and is a member of Nokia's Scientific Advisory Board.

Last updated on 6 Jun 2011 by Eve Hoggan - Page created on 6 Jun 2011 by Eve Hoggan