Synchronizing automata and their applications

Lecturer : 
Vladimir Gusev
Event type: 
HIIT seminar
Doctoral dissertation
Event time: 
2012-10-01 13:15 to 14:00
Lecture Hall T2, Konemiehentie 2
An automaton is called synchronizing if there is a word w and a state q such that w applied to an arbitrary state p leads to q. This notion naturally appears in different areas of computer science. In my talk I will explain how synchronizing automata are used in theory of codes, combinatorics on words, robotics. Also I will tell about two famous problems related to synchronizing automata: road coloring problem and Cerny conjecture. Former was open for 37 years and was recently settled. Latter is widely open for already 48 years.
My name is Vladimir Gusev. I have graduated from Ural State University (Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 2009, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics. Afterwards I have entered PhD program at the same university under supervision of Mikhail Volkov. I spent academic year 2011/12 in University of Turku, Finland. Nowadays I am preparing my thesis under the title: "Extremal examples in the theory of synchronizing automata".
Host: Shinnosuke Seki

Last updated on 17 Sep 2012 by Sohan Seth - Page created on 17 Sep 2012 by Sohan Seth