HIIT Starts Revolution of Knowledge Work Project!

Mon, 02.09.2013

Revolution of Knowledge Work project is funded by Tekes, as a big strategic opening. The first funding period is 1 September 2013 - 28 February 2015.

The project is collaboration between HIIT and Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.

Today a huge amount of information is spread out in various data silos. The current systems and search engines have inflexible views to the data and they have only a limited ability to study the large data masses, leaving knowledge workers trapped in individual information bubbles. Current systems constrain the work instead of supporting the combined potential of human creativity and the capability of computers to handle big data.

In the project, we will combine the multidisciplinary world-class expertise in machine learning, human-computer interaction, distributed computing, cognitive neuroergonomics and human factors at work, in order to develop Symbiotic Human-Information Interfaces, which pave the way for a revolution of knowledge work.

Read more: www.reknow.fi

Last updated on 2 Sep 2013 by Kai Kuikkaniemi - Page created on 2 Sep 2013 by Kai Kuikkaniemi