Computational creativity research on YLE TV1

Fri, 13.02.2015

Finnish YLE TV1's Prisma Studio programme presented and discussed computational creativity in its 30 minute show at prime time on 11 Feb 2015. The Discovery Research Group of the Department of Computer Science and HIIT, University of Helsinki, contributed to the programme in a number of ways: Professor Hannu Toivonen was interviewed, Jukka Toivanen participated in the discussion in the studio and demonstrated the Brain Poetry art installation, Anna Kantosalo had taken an interactive pedagogical poetry engine to a primary school, and additionally the programme played music automatically composed from sleep measurements by a web service developed in the group.

The programme can be viewed at YLE web site for 30 days (in Finnish).


Last updated on 13 Feb 2015 by Hannu Toivonen - Page created on 13 Feb 2015 by Hannu Toivonen