Carat double-awarded in PerCom

Mon, 30.03.2015

The Carat research team got two awards from IEEE PerCom this week in St. Louis, USA. The article of Ella Peltonen, Eemil Lagerspetz, Petteri Nurmi, and Sasu Tarkoma: Energy Modeling of System Settings: A Crowdsourced Approach was honored by the Marc Weiser Best Paper Award. The article presented that crowdsourced data can be used to model battery consumption of mobile devices in real-life situations, when observing combinations of system settings, subsystem variables, and usage context of the device.

Ella Peltonen, a PhD student of NODES, also got runner-up award from the best PhD forum presentation. Her work focuses on building distributed machine learning algorithms on top of sensing data.

Read the news from the CS department website, and see the Best Paper at Carat website.

Academy of Finland: Mobile battery life can be prolonged with system settings

Contact person: Sasu Tarkoma

Last updated on 21 Apr 2015 by Maria Lindqvist - Page created on 30 Mar 2015 by Maria Lindqvist