Jorma Ollila Grants and Nokia Scholarships for HIIT researchers

Fri, 27.11.2015

Jorma Ollila fund, launched year 2014, has been created in Nokia Foundation to support recently graduated doctors to further develop their research career. The personal grants are awarded for gaining international experience for a period of 1-3 years. In addition to financial support, the new fund and Nokia Foundation will support the selected applicants through its contact network.

Eemil Lagerspetz was awarded a grant by the Jorma Ollila fund of Nokia Foundation on November 24, 2015. The title of Eemil’s post doctoral research is “Mind The Gap: Combining Trajectory Datasets for a Holistic Picture of Human Mobility” and the research will be carried out at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2016.

The following HIIT doctoral students were awarded with Nokia Foundation Scholarships 2015:

Kumaripaba Athukorala: "Encancing exploratory information search with user modeling.

Orestis Kostakis: "Algorithmic data mining for event-interval sequences"

Matti Nelimarkka: " Designing live participation systems: computational and social transformation of co-located computer-mediated communications"

Ella Peltonen: "Iterative data analysis for sensing applications"

Joel Rybicki: "Fault-tolerant co-ordination in distributed systems"

Contact person: Eemil Lagerspetz

Last updated on 27 Nov 2015 by Maria Lindqvist - Page created on 27 Nov 2015 by Maria Lindqvist