4 Feb: UIx roundtable seminar on ubiquitous computing

Oskar Juhlin talks about Mobile Collaborative Video Production
4 Feb at 13:00
meeting room 1036 
Oskar Juhlin is assistant coordinator at the Mobile Life VinnExcellence Center. He is also Studio Director of the Mobility Studio at the Interactive Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Oskar has worked in many fields related to the sociology of technology, including sociology of knowledge and engineering work and lately sociology of traffic and road use, related to the design of mobile applications for people on the road. His current approach draws on ethnographic fieldwork of mobile user practices to influence the design of various applications.
The seminar series brings together fresh views on the development on ubiquitous computing. The  talks presented at the seminar derive from the latest research already published or still under way. What they all share in common, however, is their inspiring approach to common problems in ubicomp. The speakers include well known researchers around the area ranging from academia to the industry. 
The seminar is organized by the Ubiquitous Interaction Group (UIx)




Last updated on 3 Feb 2009 by Visa Noronen - Page created on 3 Feb 2009 by Visa Noronen