
12 Feb 10:15 Pekka Parviainen: A Space--Time Tradeoff for Permutation Problems

HIIT seminar, Friday Feb 12, 10:15 a.m. (coffee from 10), Exactum B222

Pekka Parviainen
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT Department of Computer Science University of Helsinki

A Space--Time Tradeoff for Permutation Problems

11 Feb 14:00 Hans-Arno Jacobsen: Flexible Data-centric Networking with the PADRES Publish/Subscribe System

 Prof. Hans-Arno Jacobsen from University of Toronto will give a guest lecture on Thursday 11.2.
14-16 at Kumpula in Exactum CK111. The title of the lecture is: Flexible Data-centric Networking with the PADRES Publish/Subscribe System. Attached you will find more information about the lecture and his bio.


Best regards,
- Sasu


Flexible Data-centric Networking with the PADRES Publish/Subscribe System



 Puneet Kaur

 B.A. (Sociology), M.C.A (Computer Science), Graduate Studies(Mobile Computing and Security),                              Research Assistant,  USec research group
Street address: Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, 
Spektri Business Park, Pilotti Building, 3rd floor,

5 Feb 10:15 Pasi Rastas: Context Tree Weighting and Its Application to Haplotype Inference

HIIT seminar, Friday Feb 5, 10:15 a.m. (coffee from 10), Exactum B222

Dr. Pasi Rastas
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT
Department of Computer Science
University of Helsinki

Context Tree Weighting and Its Application to Haplotype Inference

Break in at 2010-02-05 08:30-14:00



2010-02-05 08:30 - 14:00


5:30 h

Affected services:



Tomcat will be upgraded to 5.5. Confluence will be upgraded to 3.1.

Update: Break was over at 12:20. Confluence version is now 3.1.1
