
Study: Everybody can become a better idea generator

Tue, 16.03.2010

17 Mar 10 - Everybody can make himself better at creating ideas. People can increase their creativity by improving their knowledge about the topic ideas should be generated about, practising a range of idea-generation methods, making efforts to create a lot of ideas and having the right attitude, says Lassi Liikkanen, a researcher from HIIT. 

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Study: Everybody can become a better idea generator

Everybody can make himself better at creating ideas. People can increase their creativity by improving their knowledge about the topic ideas should be generated about, practising a range of idea-generation methods, making efforts to create a lot of ideas and having the right attitude, says Lassi Liikkanen, a researcher from Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT. Liikkanen has just finished his PhD on creating ideas in conceptual design.

Väitös: Jokainen voi kehittää itsensä paremmaksi ideoijaksi

Jokainen voi kehittää itseään aiempaa paremmaksi ideoiden kehittäjäksi. Luovuuttaan voi parantaa vahvistamalla taustatietojaan ideoitavasta aiheesta, harjoittelemalla erilaisia ideointimenetelmiä, ideoimalla paljon ja ottamalla oikean asenteen, kertoo ideoinnista suunnittelutyössä juuri väitellyt tutkija Lassi Liikkanen Tietotekniikan tutkimuslaitos HIITistä.

Call for postdoctoral and senior researchers at HIIT (deadline 15 March)

HIIT conducts basic and strategic research on information technology. It is a joint research institute of Aalto University and the University of Helsinki.

In the recent Research Assessment Exercise covering all the 46 units of Aalto University, HIIT got excellent reveiews and was among the top units that were rewarded as result of the exercise.

HIIT now calls for applications for postdoctoral and senior researchers.

The positions will be filled for three years maximum starting at the earliest 1 August 2010.

Monday, March 15, 2010
Employing university: 
Aalto Univeristy
University of Helsinki
More information: 

Contact person in HIIT for practical information:
Research Coordinator Greger Lindén, greger.linden(a)

Contact persons in HIIT for scientific information:
The respective research group leaders and HIIT research programme directors


the Ganzheit eye-tracking system

