
BulkFS: a Distributed Fault-Tolerant File System for Massive Data Applications

A video lecture on: Tuominen, A.; V. Tuulos, V.: BulkFS: a Distributed Fault-Tolerant File System for Massive Data Application. In Book of Abstracts of the International Workshop on Intelligent Information Access (IIIA-2006), Helsinki, FInland, July 2006.

Duration: 27:27
Recorded: International Workshop on Intelligent Information Access IIA-2006, 6 - 8 July 2006, Helsinki

Webcast with integrated slide show »

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Nordunet3 funds NordicHIP project

Mon, 22.05.2006

22 May 2006 - The Nordunet3 Programme has accepted the project proposal NordicHIP, submitted in response to the programme's October 2005 call. NordicHIP is a joint project by the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), HIIT and the TML laboratory at TKK. Its objective is to deepen the collaboration in research and development of Host Identity Protocol (HIP) and related Internet infrastructure components between the participants.

Sasu Tarkoma's doctoral thesis defence

Sat, 29.04.2006

29 Apr 2006 - HIIT researcher Sasu Tarkoma defended his doctoral thesis Efficient Content-based Routing, Mobility-aware Topologies, and Temporal Subspace Matching in the Faculty of Science at the University of Helsinki. The opponent was Professor Luís Rodrigues, Universidade de Lisboa and the custos Professor Kimmo Raatikainen.

Jukka Kemppinen receives award from TeliaSonera Finland Foundation

Fri, 21.04.2006

21 Apr 2006 - The Research and Training Foundation of TeliaSonera Finland Oyj has granted an award for merit of EUR 10,000 to Professor Jukka Kemppinen. Professor Kemppinen serves as Professor of Business Law at the Lappeenranta University of Technology, Principal Scientist at the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT), Docent of Jurisprudence at Helsinki University Faculty of Law, and Docent of History of Civilizations at Turku University.

FUGA EU project launch

Sat, 01.04.2006

1 Apr 2006 - The project FUGA - The fun of gaming: Measuring the human experience of media enjoyment was submitted to the NEST programme of the 6th Framework Programme of EU. After clearing technical evaluation and contract negotiations, the project was launched in April, 2006. The main objective of FUGA is to create novel methods and improve existing measures in order to examine how the different dimensions of Computer Game Experience can be assessed comprehensively with high temporal resolution.
