
31.8.2005: TKK receives donation from Technology Industries of Finland

Wed, 31.08.2005

The Centennary Fund of the Technology Industries of Finland has donated the Helsinki University of Technology 550 000 euros for a five-year research project on network society. The donation was published in an event held on 31.8.2005 at 9:30 where the chairman of the board of the fund, Dr. Matti Alahuhta, presented the donation to the rector of TKK, Prof. Matti Pursula.

16.8.2005: FUGA project invited to EU contract negotiations

Tue, 16.08.2005

The project proposal FUGA - Fun of Gaming: Measuring the human experience of media enjoyment, submitted to the EU NEST - PATHFINDER call "Measuring the Impossible", has been invited to contract negotiations with the European Commission and is hence likely be launched in early 2006. The scientific coordinator of the project is Dr. Niklas Ravaja from the Center of Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR) of the Helsinki School of Economics; HIIT will act as the administrative coordinator, in addition to participating in the research.

12.8.2005: IPCity and PASION clear EU evaluation, invited to negotiations

Fri, 12.08.2005

Two project proposals submitted to the Call for Proposals of the Presence and Interaction in Mixed-Reality Environments (Presence II) Proactive Initiative in the 6th Framework Programme have succesfully cleared the technical evaluation and have been invited for project negotiations. Therefore, the projects are likely to launch in early 2006. The projects are Integrated Project on Interaction and Presence in Urban Environments (IPCity) and Knowledge Work and Mobility (PASION). HIIT's work in these activities will be led by Dr. Giulio Jacucci and Dr.

User Models from Implicit Feedback for Proactive Information Retrieval

A video lecture by Samuel Kaski: Our research consortium develops user modeling methods for proactive applications. In this project we use machine learning methods for predicting users’ preferences from implicit relevance feedback. Our prototype application is information retrieval, where the feedback signal is measured from eye movements or user’s behavior. Relevance of a read text is extracted from the feedback signal with models learned from a collected data set.

Videos & webcasts: 

3.6.2005: Mikko Välimäki's dissertation

Fri, 03.06.2005

Former HIIT researcher Mikko Välimäki defended successfully his doctoral thesis The Rise of Open Source Licensing. A Challenge to the Use of Intellectual Property in the Software Industry at the Helsinki University of Technology. The official opponent of the defence was Professor, PhD Thomas Riis from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. Professsor Juha Laine acted as the custos. Completed at the Software Business and Engineering Laboratory at TKK, Välimäki's thesis was to a considerable degree based on his work in HIIT's MobileIPR and DE Core projects.
