
ADA draft non-public

Examples of research projects on external funding

29 Mar 14:00 Marek Michalowski: Keepon: A social robot for research, therapy, and entertainment

Invited lecture
Mon 29 March 2010 at 14:00, room B222 (Exactum, Kumpula)

Keepon: A social robot for research, therapy, and entertainment

Marek Michalowski, Ph.D.
Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute

26 Mar 13:30 PhD students poster exhibition

The PhD students at the department in Kumpula will give a poster exhibition on 26 March at 1:30 pm in the aula of the 2nd floor in Exactum.

You are all welcome to join in. There will be some refreshments.

Especially, we would like to see the mentors and support team members of the students present at the exhibition.

Study: Touchpad phones more demanding in mobile use

Thu, 25.03.2010

26 Mar 2010 - Using phones with touchpads is more demanding than using traditional mobile phones. Even small external interferences complicate writing SMSes on a touchpad, according to results achieved by implementing a new research method developed by Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT.

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