
Break in shell at 2008-04-11 08:00-08:30



2008-04-11 8:00 - 8:30


0:30 h

Affected services:

HIIT's general purpose server shell.hiit.fi.


Shell.hiit.fi will be rebooted due to a kernel upgrade.

Indian Minister of Science visited HIIT

Kapil Sibal, the Minister of Science and Technology of India, visited the HIIT in Kumpula on Wednesday, 26 March. Minister Sibal learned more about bioinformatics research, ContextPhone platform and intelligent information retrieval methods developed at the HIIT.

Intian teknologiaministeri Hiitissä

Intian tiede- ja teknologiaministeri Kapil Sibal tutustui HIIT:n toimintaan Kumpulassa keskiviikkona 26. maaliskuuta. Suomessa vierailleen ministerin ohjelmaan kuului tutustuminen bioinformatiikan tutkimukseen, ContextPhone-alustaan ja uusiin hakukoneteknologioihin.

26.1.2008: Doctoral dissertation of Jaakko Kangasharju

HIIT researcher Jaakko Kangasharju presents his doctoral thesis XML Messaging for Mobile Devices in a public dissertation at University of Helsinki, Audiorium XIV, University Main Building. The custos of the event is professor Kimmo Raatikainen from University of Helsinki and HIIT. The opponent is Professor Tommi Mikkonen from Tampere University of Technology.

28.5.-1.6.2007: Summer School on Algorithmic Data Analysis (SADA07)

The summer school is open for PhD students and post docs interested in algorithmic challenges raised by the demand for efficient management and analysis of various large-scale data sources. For more details, agenda and application, please see the web pages of the school at http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/hecse/sada07/.
