This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.
A!OLE forum is a series of open events organised by Aalto Online Learning project. The talks in the A!OLE Forum are 30 min, followed by 30 min discussion.
A!OLE forum is a series of open events organised by Aalto Online Learning project. The venue is Makerspace, Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9.
Courage to make pedagogical changes – enhancing educational development in higher education
Conference on Innovation Decision Support Using Structured Expert Judgement
This conference brings together experts from diverse scientific and professional backgrounds, with the aim of exploring and advancing the use of systematic analytical techniques in establishing a solid methodological foundation for developing innovations and innovation ecosystems that contribute to improved...
The Conference on Innovation Decision Support Using Structured Expert Judgement brings top experts to Helsinki
April 25-27, 2017 | Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5 C, 02150, Espoo (map) -
Biweekly networking event for the professors of the Department of Computer Science.
The Aalto Computer Science (CS) Professors' Lunch is a biweekly networking event sponsored by the Department of Computer Science. It is an informal occasion to get to know our colleagues and their research. Its objective is to foster collaboration between professors working in diverse areas of CS within the School of Science and beyond. Each event features a short presentation by...
24.04.2017 09:15–10:00
HIIT seminar
Konemiehentie 2, seminar room T5Aino Tietäväinen
Nintendo Wii Fit-Based Balance Testing to Detect Sleep Deprivation: Approximate Bayesian Computation Approach
Abstract: Sleep deprivation deteriorates health and causes accidents. Measuring a person’s postural steadiness may be used to determine his/hers state of alertness. Posturographic measurements are easy to conduct: a person’s...
24.04.2017 09:15–10:00
Seminar room T5, CS building, Konemiehentie 2, OtaniemiMachine Learning Coffee seminars are weekly seminars held jointly by the Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. The seminars aim to gather people from different fields of science with interest in machine learning. Seminars will be held on Mondays at 9 am at Aalto University and the University of Helsinki every other week. At...
Weekly seminars held jointly by Aalto University and the University of Helsinki.
Helsinki region machine learning researchers will start our week by an exciting machine learning talk. The aim is to gather people from different fields of science with interest in machine learning. Porridge and coffee is served at 9:00 and the talk will begin at 9:15. The venue for this talk is seminar room T5, CS building.
The Meet the Dean events will be held this year Fridays at 13-14.30, T-building Learning Hub, Konemiehentie 2., unless otherwise informed.
Welcome to celebrate Olli Ikkala's and Jukka Pekola's success and their new ERC grants at the Meet the Dean event. Coffee and cake will be served. Read more about the news.
Department of Computer Science MSc Thesis Presentations
MSc Thesis Presentations Tue 18 April 2017, at 14:00-17:00, room A346 (CS Building):
14:00 – 14:30
Heikki Heiskanen
Topic / Aihe: "Web-based virtual reality customer service platform"
Supervisor / Valvoja: Prof. Tapio Takala14:30 – 15:00
Jonas Berg
Topic / Aihe: "Query Optimizing for On-line Analytical Processing"
Supervisor / Valvoja: Prof. Eljas... -
13.04.2017 15:15–16:00
Guest lecture
B119Driven by the increasing need to analyze and search for complex patterns
in very large data sets, the area of compressed and succinct data
structures has grown rapidly in the last 10-15 years. Such data
structures have very low...