This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.
CS department's public guest lecture on 'Sparsity, interpretability and sample compression in Machine Learning: Application to omic data'. The lecture is open to everyone free-of-charge.
Speaker: Professor François Laviolette
Affiliation: Laval University, Quebec City, Canada
Host: Professor Juho Rousu
Time: 14:15 (coffee at 14:00)... -
28.03.2017 08:00–16:15
Other event
National Museum / KansallismuseoIhmiset mittaavat itseään erilaisin tavoin, mm. älyrannekkeilla. Miten tämä toimii työympräistössä? Tapahtuma on osa Tietotyön vallankumous -tutkimushanketta.
People measure themselves in many ways, e.g., using intelligent bracelets. How is this working in a work environment? The event is part of the project Revolution of Knowledge Work.
Biweekly networking event for the professors of the Department of Computer Science.
The Aalto Computer Science (CS) Professors' Lunch is a biweekly networking event sponsored by the Department of Computer Science. It is an informal occasion to get to know our colleagues and their research. Its objective is to foster collaboration between professors working in diverse areas of CS within the School of Science and beyond. Each event features a short presentation by...
Weekly seminars held jointly by the Aalto University and the University of Helsinki.
Helsinki region machine learning researchers will start our week by an exciting machine learning talk. The aim is to gather people from different fields of science with interest in machine learning. Porridge and coffee is served at 9:00 and the talk will begin at 9:15. The venue for this talk is Exactum D123, Kumpula.
27.03.2017 09:15–10:00
seminar room Exactum D123, KumpulaMachine Learning Coffee seminars are weekly seminars held jointly by the Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. The seminars aim to gather people from different fields of science with interest in machine learning. Seminars will be held on Mondays at 9 am at Aalto University and the University of Helsinki every other week. At Aalto University, talks will be held in Konemiehentie 2, seminar room T5 and at the...
27.03.2017 09:15–10:00
HIIT seminar
Exactum D123, Kumpula
Hiroshi Mamitsuka
Learning to Rank: Applications to Bioinformatics
Abstract: Learning To Rank (LTR) has been developed in information retrieval for ranking documents regarding the relevance to a given query. Typically LTR builds a ranking model from given relevant (or irrelevant) query-document pairs. Generally, in some respect, LTR can be thought as an attempt to solve a multilabel... -
Title of the dissertation is: Metagenomic analyses of the human gut microbiome reveal connections to the immune system
Tommi Vatanen, M.Sc. (Tech.), will defend the dissertation "Metagenomic analyses of the human gut microbiome reveal connections to the immune system" on 24 March 2017 at 12 noon in Aalto University School of Science, lecture hall AS1, Maarintie 8 (former Otaniementie 17), Espoo.
The seminar is a combination of scholars talking about their own work and journal club presentations. Everybody is welcome to attend the seminar.
The Complex Systems and Networks Seminar is held every Thursday at 14.00-15:00 in room A136 (T6) in CS building.
You can subscribe their news mailing list here if you want to receive invitation...
Aalto organizes an industry–academia -matchmaking event of Data-driven Services and Cyber Security.
Aalto University organizes on 23.3.2017 an industry – academia -matchmaking event of Data-driven Services and Cyber Security, consisting of dialogues between the leading representatives from industry and academia as well as highlighting some of Aalto’s cutting edge research projects.
VenueComputer Science building, Konemiehentie 2, 02150 Espoo
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Aalto University organizes an industry – academia -matchmaking event of Data-driven Services and Cyber Security.
Aalto University organizes an industry – academia -matchmaking event of Data-driven Services and Cyber Security, consisting of dialogues between the leading representatives from industry and academia as well as highlighting some of Aalto’s cutting edge research projects.
Please ...