Turn your dreams into music
Fri, 07.09.2012
Computer scientists have developed a method that automatically composes music out of sleep measurements. The composition service works live on the Web at sleepmusicalization.net.
Developed under Hannu Toivonen, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki, the software automatically composes synthetic music using data related to a person’s own sleep as input.
The composition program is the work of Aurora Tulilaulu, a student.
Simon Rogers a HIIT Visiting Professor in August
Tue, 07.08.2012
Dr. Simon Rogers is a HIIT Visiting Professor during the month of August. Dr. Rogers works as a lecturer in the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow. His research focuses on machine learning and statistical inference predominantly within the fields of computational biology and multimodal interaction.
FuNeSoMo August 2012 Call for research exchange with ICSI and UCB
Tue, 29.05.2012
AUGUST 2012 CALL for applications for funding research exchange between ICSI Berkeley or UCB and HIIT
Research evaluation at Univ Helsinki: Excellent scores to HIIT-affiliated communities
Thu, 24.05.2012
Research and doctoral training were evaluated in University of Helsinki in 2011. This time, researchers were allowed to volunteer for evaluation as bottom-up organized research communities. Three HIIT communities participated successfully:
Arto Klami receives the Dissertation award of the Finnish artificial intelligence society
Wed, 23.05.2012
PhD Arto Klami receives the Dissertation award of the Finnish artificial intelligence society (years 2008-2011) for this PhD thesis Modeling of mutual dependencies, and gives a presentation on the topic in the Federated Computer Science Event on May 28th.
Call for new students to the ICS honours programme / Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitoksen kärkiopiskelijahaku
Mon, 14.05.2012
Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitoksen kärkiopiskelijahaku
Aalto-yliopiston Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos hakee uusia ylemmän tutkinnon aloitusvaiheessa olevia opiskelijoita kärkiopiskelijaohjelmaansa lukuvuodelle 2012-2013. Haun määräaika on maanantaina 18.6.2012. Lisätietoa ohjelman englanninkieliseltä infosivulta http://ics.tkk.fi/en/studies/honours_programme/
Call for new students to the ICS honours programme -
Prof. Samuel Kaski elected as the new chairman of CSC Board of Directors
Fri, 11.05.2012
Samuel Kaski, the Director of Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT and Professor of Computer Science at Aalto University, was elected as a new chairman of the board of CSC - IT Center for Science. For details, see the news item at the CSC website.
FuNeSoMo May Call for research exchange ICSI and UCB, DL 18.5.2012
Tue, 08.05.2012
Future Networks, Society and Modeling (FuNeSoMo) project is announcing an open call for applications for funding for research visits between Finland and US. This call is directed primarily to cover research exchange between Aalto University and the International Computer Science Institute ICSI Berkeley and/or University of California, Berkeley (UCB). Deadline for applications is May 18, 2012 and the full call is available at http://www.hiit.fi/funesomo/may2012call