Fuego Core: Middleware for Mobile Wireless Internet

Fuego Core is the core project of the Future Internet research program at HIIT. The current project is scheduled to run for three years, from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2007, and is a continuation of the work on future mobility middleware began in 2002. The project focuses on five areas in fundamental mobility middleware: XML processing and messaging, mobile distributed event system, XML synchronization and data access, software configuration management, and desktop search.

The project follows and contributed to related international standardization, in particular the Mobile Web Initiative and the Efficient XML Interchange Working Group at the World Wide Web Consortium.

The project disseminates its research results in international scientific publications and by releasing the produced middleware platform as Free/Open Source Software. The current release of the platform was produced by the first phase of the project completed in 2004.


  • Kimmo Raatikainen, project leader
  • Sasu Tarkoma
  • Jaakko Kangasharju
  • Tancred Lindholm
  • Ramya Sri Kalyanaraman
  • Eemil Lagerspetz

Research groups


Last updated on 10 Dec 2007 by Teemu Mäntylä - Page created on 13 Jan 2007 by Webmaster