SPIRE project has two main areas. First is to create a flexible guidance system that can be integrated into different systems of real estates, such as ads, business intelligence and monitoring systems. The info service based on the system is called EnterLot. Second aim is to study several cases of decisions and land-use planning dealing with parking.
Info system that guides people to enter real-estates
EnterLot will support real estates to guide and inform first-time- visitors, occasional and regular user of the building to enter the lot and certain building on it. First-timers will be get route information relevant to their travel mode whether they were car drivers, public transport passengers, bicycle riders or pedestrians. They will get also basic info of the building such as parking info, maindoor location, opening hours, lobby services etc. Tey will also get info of their final destination in the building. The occasional visitors can pick up the info from this same buntle. The regular users of the building can get info of special occasions in the building or nearby, enabling them to adapt their every-day routines.
One of the core aims is to enable car-users in need of parking space to anticipate demand peaks and other use levels of car-parks and buildings and locations. This info can include also the mobility management type of encouragement to use more sustainable travel modes when entering the lot.
Technical core of SPIRE project is an event based software architecture that is based on linked data coming from different kinds of sensors and other sources.
As a technical result of SPIRE project there will be a working prototype called EnterLot. In a nutshell it will support the journey on its three main phases, that is,
1. To choose routes relevant to one´s travel mode
2. Guidance on the lot
3. Guidance in the building
Presentations (in Finnish) in the Results seminar 2 Dec 2014 @OIH
Main presentation (=all presentations but. the...
...) Parking policies in regional planning
Land-use planning dealing with parking
SPIRE project has three main cases that it observes.
1. Rykmentinpuisto is a large re-development of a former military area in Tuusula municipality. Currently rather low-density area with lot of forest and some (mostly) historical military buildings is planned to be residential area called Rykmentipuisto. Especially its central area will be very efficiently build urban center with housing and several public and private services, including a bus station. SPIRE will follow and help especially the planning of shared parking and other organisation concepts of car parking in the very center of the development.
2. Pitäjänmäki Industrial Area is a sort of long term brownfield development located in the outskirts of the downtown of Helsinki. Industrial production functions are gradually being replaced by office buildings and functions. On-street parking capacity is fully-used and most of the off-street parking is reserved for companies and for the few newer residential buildings. Thus, on the one hand the general opinion in the area says that there is a constant need of more parking spaces, and on the other hand, the approximate use-rate of parking spaces is rather low, since the usage peak of parking is on the office working hours. With the Helsinki city authorities SPIRE will put up an internet service Portal for Shared Parking (PSP) (Autopaikkapörssi in Finnish) that supports companirs to share their extra parking capacity. SPIRE project will study the activity around PSP also as a shared economy pilot.
3. Otaniemi Campus (mostly) of Aalto University has two roles from SPIRE's perspective. First, thanks to the collaboration with Aalto University Properties Ltd., it works as a test field of parking info got into the EnterLot info system. Second, it is also a vast development case that prepares for a Metro station and other building projects that will rise the density of the campus area a lot. In and next to the campus area there are lots of high-tech companies. This all makes the need of more efficient, that is, smart parking highly relevant for the whole campus area.
Research Partners:
- Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT / Digital Content Communities
- Aalto University / Computer Science and Engineering
- Aalto University / YTK Land Use Planning and Urban Studies Group
Participating Cities/Municipalities:
- Espoo
- Helsinki
- Tuusula
Industrial Partners:
- Aalto-yliopistokiinteistöt Oy
- Citycon Oyj
- NCC Property Development Oy
- Q-Park Finland Oy
- Senaatti-kiinteistöt
SPIRE is a two-year project (2013-2014) funded by Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation) and the participants.
Main Cases
Rykmentinpuisto (Tuusula)
Pitäjänmäki Industrial Area (Helsinki)
Otaniemi Campus (Espoo)
Some Academic results
Published apers
Félix Halcartegaray: E-Parking Service for Real-Estate managers: Business model and technologies (Aalto University and Eindhoven Technical University) and the minor thesis (prototyping models) for EIT ICT Labs Helsinki
Ahrum Jeon: Thesis handles sustainable concept design of a mobile information service
Simo-Pekka Lahtinen: Thesis handles about programming a mobile information service dealing with guidance issues
Mobile information service enabling people to enter their target real-estates. The motivation and concept of EnterLot (Prezi)
Autopaikkapörssi pilot in Pitäjänmäki industrial area (www.autopaikkapö
Media Coverage
Pitäjänmäellä kokeillaan yritysten autopaikkapörssiä
Pitäjänmäen yritykset kokeilevat autopaikkojen vuokraamista toisilleen
Autopaikkapörssiä kokeillaan Pitäjänmäellä
Parkkipaikka voi pian löytyä pörssistä
Autopaikkapörssiä testataan Pitäjänmäen yritysalueella
Yritysten autopaikat asukkaiden käyttöön
Responsible Director, Dr Olli Pitkänen
Project Manager, Dr Kalle Toiskallio
e-mail: kalle.toiskallio (at)
Tel: +358 40 550 5533
Last updated on 11 Dec 2014 by Kalle Toiskallio - Page created on 6 Mar 2013 by Olli Pitkänen