
3.10.2000: First HIIT Industrial Advisory Board meeting held

Tue, 03.10.2000

The Industrial Advisory Board of HIIT had its first meeting. Dr. Veikko Hara from Sonera Corporation was elected as the Chair of the IAB.

1.9.2000: UbiServices and Sarcous projects launch

Fri, 01.09.2000

The two first projects in the Fuego program (UbiServices, Sarcous) were commenced. Industrial partners of the projects include Nokia, Sonera, and Alma Media.

19.6.2000: First meeting of HIIT Board; prof. Antti Räisänen chosen as chair

Mon, 19.06.2000

The HIIT Board had its first meeting. Professor Antti Räisänen of HUT was elected as its Chair.

8.5.2000: Deep Computing project receives Academy of Finland funding

Mon, 08.05.2000

The Academy of Finland awarded 3-year basic research funding for the Deep Computing project led by Prof. Henry Tirri.

4.5.2000: Media Convergence Core project gets funding from TEKES

Thu, 04.05.2000

TEKES decided to fund the Core project of the Media Convergence program. Participating companies are Ericsson, Sonera, Elisa Communications (HPY), Sanoma-WSOY, Alma Media and Finnish Broadcasting Company.
