
8.3.2004: MuseoSuomi - Museum Finland semantic portal opened

Mon, 08.03.2004

The semantic portal - Finnish Museum on the Semantic Web was presented and its pilot version was opened on the public web at the National Museum in Helsinki. The portal is a result of a research and development project carried out at Helsinki University Computer Science Department and HIIT. More information at project's website.

9.2.2004: Grant received from Academy of Finland for computational grid

Mon, 09.02.2004

The Academy of Finland awarded HIIT a grant of 50,000€ from its Infrastructure Program 2004 for the acquisition of a grid-type computational server, mainly needed for research in probabilistic modelling in the Complex System Computation Group led by professor Henry Tirri. The computational server will find immediate use in Next Generation Search project cluster of HIIT, but is likely to be used also in other research acvitities of HIIT involving intensive computation.

HIIT Update 2/2003

Headlines in this issue:

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31.10.2003: Academy of Finland funds the DRAMA project

Fri, 31.10.2003

The Academy of Finland awarded 4-year funding for the project DRAMA: Scenario Methods for User Centric Product Concept Development from its Industrial Design Programme. The project will study how the methods of narrative theatre can be applied to study interactively scenarios embodying the use of technology in a future setting. It will be executed in co-operation with the dramaturgy unit of the Stadia Polytechnic. The project will be led by professor Martti Mäntylä.

16.-17.10.2003: First SAB meeting held

Thu, 16.10.2003

The first HIIT Scientific Advisory Board meeting was held in Deptartment of Computer Science of the University of Helsinki and Advanved Research Unit premises at the High Tech Center. The objective of the meeting was to present HIIT's longer-term plans and to provide a forum for their critical evaluation.
