ICCC15 Best Student Paper Runner-up for Anna Kantosalo
Fri, 25.09.2015
#ICCC15 Best Student Paper Runner-up: Anna Kantosalo et al.
Interaction Evaluation for Human-Computer Co-creativity: A Case Study
Wired: Beddit sleep analysis among Helsinki's hottest startups
Fri, 25.09.2015
The Wired magazine lists in its September 2015 issue Helsinki's 10 hottest startups. Among them is Beddit, a company whose unique sleep analysis software was developed in the PhD work of Joonas Paalasmaa at the Department of Computer Science.
From Wired:
Henry Tirri appointed HIIT Fellow
Tue, 22.09.2015
The HIIT Board appointed in its meeting on September 16, 2015, docent Henry Tirri to become an HIIT Fellow. Former appointed HIIT Fellows are Professor Emeritus Jorma Rissanen (IBM Almaden, USA), Professor Tommi Jaakkola (MIT, USA), and Professor Wray Buntine (Monash University, Australia). The title of HIIT Fellow is meant for outside world-class experts who are willing to share their deep understanding and extensive knowledge of HIIT core areas to support HIIT in planning of its future strategy.
Vice-director Ella Bingham
Thu, 17.09.2015
Ella Bingham has been nominated as the vice-director of HIIT (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology), the joint research institute of the University of Helsinki and Aalto University. See the new organisation of HIIT Board.
Tue, 08.09.2015
On September 1st Aris Gionis gave an invited talk on "Computational Problems in Mining Urban Data" to open the first day of the 22nd Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE 2015) in London, which was co-chaired by Simon Puglisi.
COIN Videothon sparked interest in making science videos
Mon, 07.09.2015
Researchers in the Finnish Centre-of-Excellence in Computational Inference Research (COIN) organized a "Videothon" to encourage the making of science videos about COIN research. The Videothon took place on August 21, 2015, and begun with each of the participants describing a research result and discussing ideas. The full day event included script writing, shooting video, recording voice-over, and editing.
Travis Gagie visited Illumina Cambridge Ltd.
Wed, 26.08.2015
For three weeks in July Travis Gagie visited the bioinformatics research group at Illumina Cambridge Ltd, the UK branch of the the world's leading manufacturer of DNA sequencing machines.
Success at the International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation
Wed, 12.08.2015
The Cegartix v0.4 system has won two of the three competition tracks it participated in at the 2015 International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation (ICCMA 2015), and placed second in the third track.
Success at the International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation
Wed, 12.08.2015
The Cegartix v0.4 system has won two of the three competition tracks it participated in at the 2015 International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation (ICCMA 2015), and placed second in the third track.
Martin Milanič visits Genome-Scale Algorithmics group
Wed, 12.08.2015
Prof. Martin Milanič from the University of Primorska, in Koper, Slovenia will visit the Genome-Scale Algorithmics group (a division of HIIT's Algorithmic Data Analysis subprogram and of the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki) between 31 August and 4 September. Prof. Milanič's field of expertise is in discrete mathematics, with an emphasis on graph theory.